[squeak-dev] How weak finalization affects the performance

Andres Valloud avalloud at smalltalk.comcastbiz.net
Tue Oct 26 07:30:13 UTC 2010

Why does finalization do any work when running a block which I think 
just creates garbage?  Is finalization on a per class basis (i.e.: the 
VM notifies the image that some objects might be notified, and the image 
just enumerates through them), or on a per object basis (i.e.: the VM 
maintains a finalization queue as in VisualWorks)?

On 10/26/10 0:25 , Igor Stasenko wrote:
> Here the idea, which came to Chris,
> put a delay into #finalizationProcess loop:
> finalizationProcess
> 	[true] whileTrue:
> 		[ WeakFinalizationList initTestPair.
> 		FinalizationSemaphore wait.
> 		FinalizationLock critical:
> 			[
> 			WeakFinalizationList checkTestPair.
> 			FinalizationDependents do:
> 				[:weakDependent |
> 				weakDependent ifNotNil:
> 					[weakDependent finalizeValues]]]
> 			ifError:
> 			[:msg :rcvr | rcvr error: msg].
> 		5 seconds asDelay wait.
> 		].
> And here a simple benchmark, which triggers GC often:
> [ Array new: 100 ] bench
> without delay:
> '2,450,000 per second.'
> '2,490,000 per second.'
> '2,490,000 per second.'
> '2,480,000 per second.'
> '2,530,000 per second.'
> with delay:
> '2,670,000 per second.'
> '2,680,000 per second.'
> '2,690,000 per second.'
> '2,730,000 per second.'
> roughly about ~8% faster :)
> But now lets put something big into weak array:
> | dict b |
> dict := WeakKeyDictionary new addAll: (( 1 to: 1000 ) collect: [:i |
> i->i] ); yourself.
> WeakArray addWeakDependent: dict.
> b := [ Array new: 100 ] bench.
> WeakArray removeWeakDependent: dict.
> b
> without delay:
> '1,840,000 per second.'
> '2,060,000 per second.'
> '2,130,000 per second.'
> with delay:
> '3,030,000 per second.'
> '2,880,000 per second.'
> '2,890,000 per second.'
> Do not forget to do:
> WeakArray restartFinalizationProcess
> when you changing the #finalizationProcess method,
> otherwise you won't see real numbers.
> So, i like the idea of putting delay there.
> Finalization is eventual, and there is no hard guarantees that it will
> happen in micro-second just after some object become garbage.
> So, be it 5 seconds or 1000 seconds not really matters.
> What is matters that with delay we win much more, by avoiding wasting
> time in finalization process too often.

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