The future of Morphic (Re: [squeak-dev] SimpleMorphic Editors)

Balázs Kósi rebmekop at
Sat Apr 2 17:14:12 UTC 2011

Hi Juan,
> Ps. Let me repeat that I support the initiatives to use SimpleMorphic on
> Squeak and Pharo, and I'm willing to answer any questions.

IIUC, Cuis' Morphic progressed quiet a bit compared to SimpleMorphic.
So we're experimenting with tearing Morphic out from Cuis 3.1 and
squeezing it into Squeak.

One thing I noted is that PasteUpMorph code never sets its worldState ivar,
but the sole PasteUpMorph instance has a WorldState. How's that?

Our approach is that we fileOut classes from Cuis.
Then load it applying some transformations, to rename classes, categories and
class references. Then - at least that's the plan - the SMx support package
should take care of the rest. What do you think?


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