[squeak-dev] The Trunk: System-ul.419.mcz

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Tue Feb 8 02:45:09 UTC 2011

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ul.419
Author: ul
Time: 8 February 2011, 3:36:03.896 am
UUID: 0ca6c6be-d524-b444-9c5e-c16ef8059669
Ancestors: System-ul.418

- squeeze out a bit more speed from TextDiffBuilder

=============== Diff against System-ul.418 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextDiffBuilder>>findMatches (in category 'private') -----
  	"I find the matching pairs of xLines and yLines. First I filter out all lines that can't have a pair, then I find the longest common subsequence of the remaining elements. Finally I mark the matching pairs."
+ 	| temp lcs xFilteredLines yFilteredLines xNumbers yNumbers |
+ 	"Filter out all lines that can't have a pair."
+ 	temp := yLines asSet.
- 	| lineSet lcs xFilteredLines yFilteredLines |
- 	lineSet := yLines asSet.
  	xFilteredLines := xLines select: [ :each |
+ 		temp includes: each ].
- 		lineSet includes: each ].
  	xFilteredLines size = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+ 	temp := xLines asSet.
- 	lineSet := xLines asSet.
  	yFilteredLines := yLines select: [ :each |
+ 		temp includes: each ].
- 		(lineSet includes: each) ].
  	yFilteredLines size = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+ 	"Map all lines to SmallIntegers, because they can be compared faster."
+ 	temp := Dictionary new.
+ 	xNumbers := xFilteredLines collect: [ :each |
+ 		temp at: each ifAbsentPut: [ temp size ] ].
+ 	yNumbers := yFilteredLines collect: [ :each |
+ 		temp at: each ifAbsentPut: [ temp size ] ].
+ 	temp := nil.
+ 	"Find the longest common subsequence."
+ 	lcs := self lcsFor: xNumbers and: yNumbers.
+ 	"Mark the matching pairs."
- 	lcs := self
- 		lcsFor: xFilteredLines
- 		and: yFilteredLines.
  	[ lcs == nil ] whileFalse: [
  		(xFilteredLines at: (lcs at: 1)) matches: (yFilteredLines at: (lcs at: 2)).
  		lcs := lcs at: 3 ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextDiffBuilder>>lcsFor:and: (in category 'private') -----
  lcsFor: xFilteredLines and: yFilteredLines
  	"I find one of the longest common subsequences of my the arguments. I assume that none of my arguments are empty. I return nil or an Array which represents a list. The first two elements are the matching line numbers, the last is the next node in the list or nil if there are no more elements. The list containts the longest common subsequence. I'm a modified version of the greedy lcs algorithm from the 6th page of 'An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations (1986)' by Eugene W. Myers"
  	| n m v lcss max |
  	n := xFilteredLines size.
  	m := yFilteredLines size.
  	max := m + n.
  	v := Array new: 2 * max + 1.
  	v at: max + 2 put: 0.
  	lcss := Array new: 2 * max + 1.
  	0 to: max do: [ :d |
  		d negated to: d by: 2 do: [ :k |
  			| index lcs x y |
+ 			index := max + k.
+ 			(k + d = 0 or: [ k ~= d and: [ (v at: index) < (v at: index + 2) ] ])
+ 				ifTrue: [ x := v at: (index := index + 2) ]
+ 				ifFalse: [ x := (v at: index) + 1 ].
- 			(k + d = 0 or: [ k ~= d and: [ (v at: max + k ) < (v at: max + k + 2) ] ])
- 				ifTrue: [ 
- 					index := max + k + 2.
- 					x := v at: index ]
- 				ifFalse: [ 
- 					index := max + k.
- 					x := (v at: index) + 1 ].
  			y := x - k.
  			lcs := lcss at: index.
  			[ x < n and: [ y < m and: [ (xFilteredLines at: x + 1) = (yFilteredLines at: y + 1) ] ] ]
  				whileTrue: [
  					lcs := { x := x + 1. y := y + 1. lcs } ].
+ 			(x >= n and: [ y >= m ]) ifTrue: [ ^lcs ].
- 			(x >= n and: [ y >= m ]) ifTrue: [
- 				^lcs ].
  			v at: max + k + 1 put: x.
  			lcss at: max + k + 1 put: lcs ] ].
  	self error!

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