[squeak-dev] [ANN] STON - Smalltalk Object Notation

Sven Van Caekenberghe sven at beta9.be
Tue May 8 06:59:18 UTC 2012

On 07 May 2012, at 22:07, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> But you could overwrite #stonOn: and #fromSton: specifically for Fractions, maybe like this:
> Float>>#stonOn: stonWriter
> 	stonWriter writeObject: self streamShortList: [ :array |
> 		array add: numerator; add: denominator ]
> Float class>>#fromSton: stonReader
> 	| representation |
> 	representation := stonReader parseList.
> 	^ self 
> 		numerator: representation first 
> 		denominator: representation second 
> This would then result in
> String streamContents: [ :stream |(STONWriter on: stream) nextPut: 3/4]
> ==> 'Fraction[3,4]'


But you could overwrite #stonOn: and #fromSton: specifically for Fractions, maybe like this:

Fraction>>#stonOn: stonWriter
	stonWriter writeObject: self streamShortList: [ :array |
		array add: numerator; add: denominator ]

Fraction class>>#fromSton: stonReader
	| representation |
	representation := stonReader parseList.
	^ self 
		numerator: representation first 
		denominator: representation second 

This would then result in

String streamContents: [ :stream |(STONWriter on: stream) nextPut: 3/4]

==> 'Fraction[3,4]'



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