[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Kernel-fbs.754.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Fri Apr 19 08:32:12 UTC 2013

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-fbs.754
Author: fbs
Time: 19 April 2013, 8:38:06.709 am
UUID: aefa8798-1ade-4e82-8689-faea726120f9
Ancestors: Kernel-fbs.753

Move #createStubMethod to Tools-Debugger.

=============== Diff against Kernel-fbs.753 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Message>>createStubMethod (in category 'stub creation') -----
- createStubMethod
- 	| argNames |
- 	argNames := Set new.
- 	^ String streamContents: [ :s |
- 		self selector keywords doWithIndex: [ :key :i |
- 			| aOrAn argName arg argClassName |
- 			s nextPutAll: key.
- 			((key last = $:) or: [self selector isInfix]) ifTrue: [
- 				arg := self arguments at: i.
- 				argClassName := (arg isKindOf: Class) ifTrue: ['Class'] ifFalse: [arg class name].
- 				aOrAn := argClassName first isVowel ifTrue: ['an'] ifFalse: ['a'].
- 				argName := aOrAn, argClassName.
- 				[argNames includes: argName] whileTrue: [argName := argName, i asString].
- 				argNames add: argName.
- 				s nextPutAll: ' '; nextPutAll: argName; space
- 			].
- 		].
- 		s cr; tab.
- 		s nextPutAll: 'self shouldBeImplemented'
- 	]!

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