[squeak-dev] [ANN] Fuel 1.8.1

Chris Muller ma.chris.m at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 16:45:41 UTC 2013

>> This is what the (head) release is (supposed to be) for -- it's a
>> separate Release which always just loads the latest versions and
>> therefore almost never needs updating.
> Yes, but (head) also needs to be marked as compatible with a Squeak
> version. It doesn't make sense for (head) to be compatible with _all_
> versions either, just ones more recent than, say, the latest
> non-(head) release. So FFI has a (head) that's marked as compatible
> with 4.3, for instance. Either we need an automatic mechanism for
> (head) versions to gain compatibility with the latest Squeak release,
> or people have to fix things themselves.

I think the retag-for-new-version-of-Squeak should be done manually.
It's very easy to do it, but by requiring a human to do it, it truly
informs when the last time someone put a little energy into a package
and the most likely version that code was last known to work.

I agree it would be odd for a (head) release to be tagged for an
earlier release than a fixed release -- it probably just means the
owner forgot to retag the (head) release.

> (Having the ability to multiselect Squeak versions in the
> SMReleaseBrowser would aid the manual approach.)

Yea, I agree about that.

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