#subclassResponsibility (was Re: [squeak-dev] Everyone's talking about debuggers these days)

Ron Teitelbaum ron at usmedrec.com
Sun Jan 27 00:23:52 UTC 2013

> -----Original Message-----
> From: squeak-dev-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org [mailto:squeak-dev-
> bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Frank Shearar
> On 25 January 2013 22:29, Casey Ransberger <casey.obrien.r at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Inline, briefly.
> >
> > On Jan 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> By "stub out stuff" do you mean "write a stub test case with self
> >> assert: false"? *raises hand*
> >
> > Actually, I do that when I'm feeling responsible, as in
> more-than-once. More often though, I'm dinking around on Project Euler and
> plan to throw my code away, in which case I just paste in "self break."
> >
> >> Annoyingly, defining a #subclassResponsibility method destroys my
> >> flow: the debugger won't, obviously, prompt you for that "create
> >> method" button I love so much. (Hm, could one restore that with a
> >> SubclassResponsibilityException that the debugger can catch?)
> >
> > I'm not sure what the right way to do that would be, but I feel your
pain. Try
> it?
> So actually the UI part is really easy, thanks to Debugger >>
> #buildNotifierWith:label:message:. I now have a nice Create button, it
calls the
> correct method... but I'm a bit stumped. I can record in the call of "self
> subclassResponsibility" the class and selector that needs implementing
(stored in
> a SubclassResponsibilityError), and this causes the debugger to pop up...
but I
> don't know how to get a handle on the SubclassResponsibilityError itself
to find
> out what to do.
> Any ideas? (I've scratched around a fair bit with exception handling and
> Debugger, but this is one step beyond me right now.)

Hi Frank,

I'm not sure I understand what you are having trouble with, but if I needed
to build a specific handler for subclassResponsibility I would create a new

Error subclass: #SubclassResponsibilityError

You could then change 

Object>> subclassResponsibility
	"This message sets up a framework for the behavior of the class'
	Announce that the subclass should have implemented this message."

	self error: 'My subclass should have overridden ', thisContext
sender selector printString


Object>> subclassResponsibility
	"This message sets up a framework for the behavior of the class'
	Announce that the subclass should have implemented this message."
	SubclassResponsibilityError new
		parentClass: thisContext sender;
		methodSelector: thisContext sender selector printString;
		signal: 'My subclass should have overridden ', thisContext
sender selector printString.

Now you can build a handler to do whatever you want it to do.  That will
give you a specific error object for this type of error.  
Does that answer your question?

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum

> frank

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