[squeak-dev] Reusable browsers was Re: About HyperCard

Bob Arning arning315 at comcast.net
Sat Mar 2 17:10:19 UTC 2013

On 3/2/13 7:48 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> The proper way to deal with the remaining cases (short of actual parsing) would be to strip all Strings/Symbols/Comments before the tokenization, I think. Takers?:)
Maybe this will do:

'From Squeak4.4 of 1 March 2013 [latest update: #12489] on 2 March 2013 
at 12:08:27 pm'!
"Change Set:        FindSelector2
Date:            2 March 2013
Author:            Bob Arning

String>>findSelector2 uses Scanner to better ignore extraneous stuff"!

!Scanner methodsFor: 'expression types' stamp: 'raa 3/2/2013 11:55'!
scanForFindSelectorUpTo: terminator
Scanner findSelectorTests
     | s |

     s := WriteStream on: (String new: 100).
     [tokenType == terminator or: [tokenType == #doIt]] whileFalse: [
         tokenType caseOf: {
             [#leftParenthesis] -> [self scanToken; 
scanForFindSelectorUpTo: #rightParenthesis].
             [#leftBracket] -> [self scanToken; scanForFindSelectorUpTo: 
             [#leftBrace] -> [self scanToken; scanForFindSelectorUpTo: 
             [#keyword] -> [s nextPutAll: token].
         } otherwise: [].
         self scanToken
     ^s contents! !

!Scanner class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'raa 3/2/2013 12:05'!
findSelectorIn: aString

     | result |
     result _ Scanner new
         scan: (ReadStream on:  aString);
         scanForFindSelectorUpTo: #notATerminator.
     ^result! !

!Scanner class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'raa 3/2/2013 12:02'!
Scanner findSelectorTests explore
         '3 perform: #between:and: with: 1 with: 5'
         'self do: [:i | ] separatedBy: [] '
         'self perform: #add: with: anObject'
         'self do: [:i | i do: [ :each | ] ] separatedBy: [] '
         'self x: {self y:} y: ''self new: 100'''
         'a max:b'
     ) collect: [ :e |
         {e. self findSelectorIn: e}
     ].! !

!String methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'raa 3/2/2013 12:02'!
     "Revised to use scanner for better removal of extraneous stuff"

     | sel |

     sel := self withBlanksTrimmed.
     (sel includes: $:) ifTrue: [sel _ Scanner findSelectorIn: sel].
     sel isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
     sel isOctetString ifTrue: [sel := sel asOctetString].
     Symbol hasInterned: sel ifTrue:
         [:aSymbol | ^ aSymbol].
     ^ nil! !

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