[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Installer-Core-cmm.381.mcz

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Wed Nov 6 20:32:18 UTC 2013

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Installer-Core-cmm.381
Author: cmm
Time: 30 October 2013, 10:17:57.435 pm
UUID: 1005ce43-3cce-4cf7-ab8c-001c497f17cb
Ancestors: Installer-Core-cmm.380

- Ability to override default repositories when using the new #merge: function.
- #merge: optimization.

=============== Diff against Installer-Core-cmm.380 ===============

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Installer
  	instanceVariableNames: 'answers packages messagesToSuppress useFileIn noiseLevel currentRepository'
+ 	classVariableNames: 'InstallerBindings IsSetToTrapErrors Remembered Repositories SkipLoadingTests ValidationBlock'
- 	classVariableNames: 'InstallerBindings IsSetToTrapErrors Remembered SkipLoadingTests ValidationBlock'
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Installer-Core'!
  !Installer commentStamp: 'kph 3/30/2009 01:29' prior: 0!
  Documentation now available at http://installer.pbwiki.com/Installer
  useFileIn - flag to load source.st rather than using Monticello!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>airplaneMode (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ airplaneMode
+ 	"Override all remote repositories with the package cache."
+ 	self overrideRemoteRepostoriesWith: MCCacheRepository default!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>clearOverrides (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ clearOverrides
+ 	"Remove all repository overrides and load everthing from the specified default repositories when using #merge:."
+ 	Repositories := Dictionary new!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>defaultRepositoryFor: (in category 'private') -----
+ defaultRepositoryFor: anAssociation
+ 	"private -- answer the MC repository specified by anAssociation."
+ 	^ (self perform: anAssociation key)
+ 		 project: anAssociation value ;
+ 		 mc!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer class>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'custom names') -----
  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
+ self isThisEverCalled: 'What is this?'.
  	^ self remembered at: aMessage selector ifAbsent: [ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>overrideRemoteRepostoriesWith: (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ overrideRemoteRepostoriesWith: aMCRepositoryOrGroup
+ 	self remoteRepositories do:
+ 		[ : each | self
+ 			overrideRepository: each
+ 			with: aMCRepositoryOrGroup ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>overrideRepository:with: (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ overrideRepository: scope with: anMCRepository 
+ 	"When configuring the image with #merge:, override the standard repository specified by scope with anMCRepository."
+ "Installer
+ 	override: #ss3->'htmlcssparser'
+ 	with: (MCDirectoryRepository directory: (FileDirectory default / 'mc'))."
+ "Installer
+ 		override: #ss
+ 		with: #ssMirror."
+ 	self repositories
+ 		at: scope
+ 		put: anMCRepository!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>packageCache (in category 'repositories') -----
+ packageCache
+ 	^ MCCacheRepository default!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer class>>remembered (in category 'custom names') -----
+ self isThisEverCalled: 'clean the var too.'.
  	^	Remembered ifNil: [ Remembered := IdentityDictionary new ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>remoteRepositories (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ remoteRepositories
+ 	^ #(#ss #ss3 #cobalt #gemsource #goran #gs #impara #keith #krestianstvo #lukas #saltypickle #sophie #squeak #squeakfoundation #squeaksource #squeaksource3 #ss #ss3 #swa #swasource #wiresong )!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>removeOverride: (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ removeOverride: scope
+ 	"Remove override specified by scope and return to using the default repository for packages within that scope."
+ 	^ self repositories
+ 		removeKey: scope
+ 		ifAbsent: [  ]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>repositories (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: Installer class>>repositories (in category 'instanciation') -----
+ 	^ Repositories ifNil: [ Repositories := Dictionary new ]!
- 	^ self class organization listAtCategoryNamed: 'repositories'.
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>repositoryFor: (in category 'private') -----
+ repositoryFor: anAssociation
+ 	"private -- anAssociation key is the repository selector Symbol understood by Intsaller class.  It's value is the project name within that HTTP repository."
+ 	| rep |
+ 	rep := self repositories
+ 		at: anAssociation  "<-- check for #rep->project overrides first"
+ 		ifAbsent:
+ 			[ self repositories
+ 				at: anAssociation key "<-- override an entire repository."
+ 				ifAbsent: [ ^ self defaultRepositoryFor: anAssociation ]  ].
+ 	^ rep isSymbol
+ 		ifTrue: [ self defaultRepositoryFor: rep -> anAssociation value ]
+ 		ifFalse: [ rep ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>ssMirror (in category 'repositories') -----
+ ssMirror
+ 	"The Chilean mirror for the original SqueakSource."
+ 	^ self monticello http: 'http://dsal.cl/squeaksource/'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>bindingOf: (in category 'script bindings') -----
  bindingOf: aString 
+ self isThisEverCalled: 'Want to get rid of this and the class-var'.
  	InstallerBindings isNil ifTrue: [ InstallerBindings := Dictionary new].
  	(InstallerBindings includesKey: aString)
  		ifFalse: [InstallerBindings at: aString put: nil].
  	^ InstallerBindings associationAt: aString.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>merge: (in category 'public interface') -----
  merge: structureOrSymbol 
+ 	| toUncache |
+ 	toUncache := Set new.
  	structureOrSymbol isSymbol
  		ifTrue: [ self merge: (self perform: structureOrSymbol) ]
  			[ self
  				depthFirstOf: structureOrSymbol
  					[ : each | each isVariableBinding
+ 						ifTrue:
+ 							[ currentRepository := self class repositoryFor: each.
+ 							currentRepository cacheAllFilenames.
+ 							toUncache add: currentRepository ]
- 						ifTrue: [ self setRepository: each ]
  							[ each isString
  								ifTrue: [ self primMerge: each ]
+ 								ifFalse: [ self error: 'invalid specification' ] ] ] ].
+ 	toUncache do:
+ 		[ : each | each flushAllFilenames ]!
- 								ifFalse: [ self error: 'invalid specification' ] ] ] ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>rememberAs: (in category 'custom names') -----
  rememberAs: symbol
+ self isThisEverCalled.
  	self class remembered at: symbol asSymbol put: self!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>setRepository: (in category 'private') -----
+ setRepository: aMCRepository 
+ 	currentRepository := aMCRepository!
- setRepository: anAssociation 
- 	currentRepository := (self class perform: anAssociation key)
- 		 project: anAssociation value ;
- 		 mc!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: InstallerMonticello>>project: (in category 'accessing') -----
  project: name
  	project := name.
  	packages := nil.
  	(mc respondsTo: #location:) ifTrue:[ mc := mc copy location: root , name ].
+ 	(mc respondsTo: #directory:) ifTrue: [ mc := mc copy directory: root / name ].
- 	(mc respondsTo: #directory:) ifTrue: [ mc := mc copy directory: root ,'/', name ].
  	^self copy.!

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