[squeak-dev] StandardScriptingSystem cleanup raises an MNU

Frank Shearar frank.shearar at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 22:19:30 UTC 2014

I'm seeing this during the ReleaseSqueakTrunk job:

ByteString(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #costume
[] in StandardScriptingSystem class>>removeUnreferencedPlayers
StandardScriptingSystem class>>removeUnreferencedPlayers

StandardScriptingSystem class>>cleanUp:

But what's super entertaining about this is that the relevant method
looks like this (whitespace ruined thanks to Gmail):

    "Remove existing but unreferenced player references"
    "StandardScriptingSystem removeUnreferencedPlayers"
    References keys do:
        [ : key | | ref |
        ref := References at: key.
        ((ref respondsTo: #costume) and: [ ref costume pasteUpMorph
isNil ]) ifTrue: [ References removeKey: key ] ]

So despite the #respondsTo: guard, a ByteString still gets into the
second block. Thoughts?


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