[squeak-dev] Re: .mcd to .mcz (urgent)

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 00:37:39 UTC 2014

OK here's what I came up with, and it's not pretty.  But it is useful.
Should this be included in MCCacheRepository or MCFileBasedRepository as a
general facility?  IMO, yes, to have some poor soul going down this same
route.  But I want to canvas opinion first.  Nte that one wpould think all
one had to do was

cacheRepo storeVersion: (repo versionNamed: versionName).

but MCCacheRepository defeats that simple route with

MCCacheRepository >>basicStoreVersion: aVersion
(aVersion isCacheable not or: [self allFileNames includes: aVersion
ifFalse: [super basicStoreVersion: aVersion]

So that leaves the brute-force:

cachedNonDiffyVersionNamed: versionName from: repo
"Make sure that the cache contains a non-diffy version of versionName and
 answer it."
| cacheRepo |
self assert: (versionName endsWith: '.mcz').
cacheRepo := MCCacheRepository default.
"Make sure that at least the diffy (.mcd) version is present"
(cacheRepo directory includesKey: versionName) ifFalse:
[cacheRepo storeVersion: (repo versionNamed: versionName)].
"if after storeVersion there's still no .mcz we need to create one; sigh..."
(cacheRepo directory includesKey: versionName) ifFalse:
[| baseName diffyVersionName diffyVersion file delete |
 baseName := versionName allButLast: 4. "strip .mcz"
 diffyVersionName := cacheRepo directory fileNames detect: [:fn| (fn
endsWith: '.mcd') and: [(fn copyUpTo: $() = baseName]].
 diffyVersion := cacheRepo versionNamed: diffyVersionName.
 file := cacheRepo directory newFileNamed: versionName.
 delete := false.
 [file binary.
  [MCMczWriter fileOut: diffyVersion on: file]
on: Error
do: [:ex|
delete := true. "don't leave half-formed .mcz files around to screw things
up later on..."
ex pass]]
[file close.
 delete ifTrue:
[cacheRepo directory deleteFileNamed: versionName]].
 "now delete the damn diffy version that caused all the pain in the first
 delete ifFalse:
[cacheRepo directory deleteFileNamed: diffyVersionName].
 cacheRepo cacheAllFilenames].
^cacheRepo versionNamed: versionName

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
>     so *how* do I ensure I have a .mcz when there appears to only be a
> .mcd?  I'm talking about trying to get 'Kernel-ul.875.mcz' from trunk
> when Kernel-ul.875(eem.872).mcd appears to be on offer.  If I try
> MCCacheRepository default storeVersion: (trunk versionNamed:
> 'Kernel-ul.875.mcz') I *do not* get a 'Kernel-ul.875.mcz' in my cache
> repository.  I'm f*&^%d until I can get this working.  help, please!
> --
> best,
> Eliot

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