[squeak-dev] Daily Commit Log

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Feb 1 23:56:31 UTC 2015

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Graphics-kfr.304
Ancestors: Graphics-bf.303

GIFReadWriter>>close  caused error since change to read only file stream reading



Name: System-kfr.693
Ancestors: System-bf.692

empty log message



Name: System-kfr.694
Ancestors: System-kfr.693

empty log message



Name: System.spur-kfr.693
Ancestors: System-kfr.693, System.spur-bf.692

System-kfr.693 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.234

empty log message



Name: System.spur-kfr.694
Ancestors: System-kfr.694, System.spur-kfr.693

System-kfr.694 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.234

empty log message



Name: System-kfr.695
Ancestors: System-kfr.694

Fix a image lock up with preference look up



Name: System.spur-kfr.695
Ancestors: System-kfr.695, System.spur-kfr.694

System-kfr.695 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.234

Fix a image lock up with preference look up



Name: Graphics-kfr.305
Ancestors: Graphics-kfr.304

Nil return if stream atEnd true



Name: Collections-mt.589
Ancestors: Collections-bf.588

comment added to #concatenation



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.226
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-bf.225

Tests added for #concatenation



Name: Collections-mt.590
Ancestors: Collections-mt.589

Methods added to easily join split strings.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.227
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.226

Tests added for #join



Name: Collections-mt.591
Ancestors: Collections-mt.590

Added #flatten as special case for #concatenation to remove any nesting except for strings. Very simple implementation with streams and recursion but not as efficient as #concatenation.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.228
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.227

Tests added for #flatten.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.589
Ancestors: Collections-mt.589, Collections.spur-bf.588

Collections-mt.589 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.235

comment added to #concatenation



Name: Collections.spur-mt.590
Ancestors: Collections-mt.590, Collections.spur-mt.589

Collections-mt.590 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.235

Methods added to easily join split strings.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.591
Ancestors: Collections-mt.591, Collections.spur-mt.590

Collections-mt.591 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.235

Added #flatten as special case for #concatenation to remove any nesting except for strings. Very simple implementation with streams and recursion but not as efficient as #concatenation.



Name: Collections-mt.592
Ancestors: Collections-mt.591

Some nil checks replaced with #notNil because ProtoObject knows it and it is faster (about 15%)



Name: Collections-mt.593
Ancestors: Collections-mt.592

New ordered dictionary added, which keeps track of the insertion order.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.229
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.228

tests for ordered dictionary added



Name: Collections-topa.594
Ancestors: Collections-mt.593

Add #flattened as alias for #flatten.
The former makes it more clear a copy will be returned (cf. #reversed), the latter is more in line with ANSI names (cf. #reverse) and other languages.



Name: CollectionsTests-topa.230
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.229

Add description to #flatten test.
Add #flattened test (Collections-topa.594)



Name: Collections-mt.595
Ancestors: Collections-topa.594

Some fixes to the OrderedDictionary implementation and its class comment was updated.



Name: Collections-mt.596
Ancestors: Collections-mt.595

some fixes to OrderedDictionary including copy; small part of the protocol of OrderedCollection adopted (#sort, #first, ...).



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.231
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-topa.230

More tests for OrderedDictionary



Name: Collections-mt.597
Ancestors: Collections-mt.596

Removed non-working #first: from OrderedDictionary. Was committed by accident. ^__^



Name: CommandLine-cmm.4
Ancestors: CommandLine-fbs.3

Let Errors print themselves.



Name: System-cmm.694
Ancestors: System-dtl.693

- #flush stdout and stderr after writing error information to them.
- After that, if the exception is resumable (i.e. a Warning), resume it.  Except if its a MessageNotUnderstood -- that is not an error you want to resume in a headless environment.



Name: System-cmm.696
Ancestors: System-kfr.695, System-cmm.694

- Remove the crazy check for MessageNotUnderstood in Smalltalk #run:..  Headless mode should always exit on any Error.
- In fact, even when not in headless mode, we don't need to halt but simply #pass the Error to the default handler for Errors do what it does, whether that's popping a debugger which could be resumed (if the Error isResumable) or something else.



Name: Network-ul.158
Ancestors: Network-bf.157

Added Socket >> #setPort:interface:, which lets one bind an UDP socket to the specified IP address and port.



Name: Kernel-ul.893
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.891, Kernel-nice.892

- Added Delay >> #delayDuration: which allows one to reuse the same Delay instance with a different duration.
- Merged Kernel-ul.891:
	- Introduced ThreadSafeRandom, a process-local variable holding a Random instance. Replaced all uses of Collection's RandomForPicking with ThreadSafeRandom value.
	- Faster Magnitude >> #between:and:.
	- Added an accessor for Semaphore's excessSignals variable.



Name: Collections-ul.598
Ancestors: Collections-ul.589, Collections-mt.597

- Fix: OrderedCollection >> #asArray returns an Array instead of an instance of the class returned by the class side #arrayType method.
- Slightly more efficient OrderedCollection >> #sort:.
- Merged Collections-ul.589:
	- Deprecated Collection class >> #randomForPicking.
	- Replaced all accesses to RandomForPicking with ThreadSafeRandom value.
	- WeakKeyDictionary >> associationsDo: ignores associations with GC'd keys. This affects all enumerator methods, and makes overriding #keysDo: unnecessary.
	- Added a new method SequenceableCollection #>> groupsDo:, which works like #groupsOf:atATimeDo:, but uses the block's argument count as the group size.

Depends on Kernel-ul.893



Name: Environments-cmm.53
Ancestors: Environments-cmm.52

- Only change key when it is NOT in the 'bindings' Dictionary, otherwise it would be in a state inconsistent with its new hash.



Name: Environments-cmm.52
Ancestors: Environments-cmm.51, Environments-nice.47

- Roll back cwp.50 because creating a new binding leaves the CM-literal bindings in their old state.
- Don't signal #binding:removedFrom: because it's becoming the literal in CM's to a newly created Undeclared literal with the old name.
- So since we no longer signal removed: don't signal #binding:addedTo: either.
	Renaming is a updating of a binding, not a removing or adding.



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.232
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.231

- Fixed FloatCollectionTest >> #testAdd. #asArray returns an Array. #asFloatArray returns a FloatArray.
- Added a test for #groupsDo:.



Name: Collections-mt.599
Ancestors: Collections-ul.598

Implemented "First wins"-strategy wrt. to the order of associations. Allowed for simplifying the code.

Order array does only grow to 75% to mitigate the greediness of the Dictionary.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.233
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.232

Tests updated for OrderedDictionary



Name: Collections-mt.600
Ancestors: Collections-mt.599

Copy ranges of elements in OrderedDictionary.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.234
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.233

Tests about copying ranges added for OrderedDictionary



Name: Morphic-mt.754
Ancestors: Morphic-bf.753

Fixed conversion of StringMorph as #imageForm when text color was white.



Name: Collections-mt.602
Ancestors: Collections-ul.601

Merged improvements for OrderedDictionary from inbox (ul.601).

Fixed problem in (mt.600 version) #copyFrom:to: with memory allocation. Preferred this over ul.601 because it is faster (8 per second vs. 12 per second).

d := OrderedDictionary new.
1 to: 1000000 do: [:ea | d at: ea put: nil].
[d copyFrom: 250000 to: 750000] bench.



Name: CollectionsTests-mt.235
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.234

Updated tests for OrderedDictionary.



Name: Tests-topa.307
Ancestors: Tests-dtl.306

Environments: Don't break user code expecting the Dictionary API



Name: Tests-topa.308
Ancestors: Tests-topa.307

Environments: The need for fresh bindings on class rename may be a good idea, we don't know yet.  Need to talk to cwp, probably.



Name: Environments-topa.54
Ancestors: Environments-cmm.53

Update literal bindings in compiled methods when renaming a class.

Restores working behavior of pre-Squeak4.5.



Name: Tests-topa.309
Ancestors: Tests-topa.308

Reinstall the 'new binding' condition in class renames.
Also test that literals still work after renaming.



Name: Environments-topa.55
Ancestors: Environments-topa.54

3rd attempt at class-rename fixes. 

This version 
 a) avoids #becomeForward:
 b) fixes method homes after rename
 c) moves the obsolete binding to undeclared but keeps it working.

Effectively, this is the outcome:
| p |
p := Object subclass: #A instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Unknown'.
p compile: 'foo ^ A new'.
" literals of #foo {#A=>A . #foo . #A=>A}"
p rename: #B.
" literals of #foo {#A=>B . #foo . #B=>B}"
p new foo class == p.



Name: Tools-topa.533
Ancestors: Tools-ul.532

Fix notification about obsolete class references after a class rename



Name: Environments-topa.56
Ancestors: Environments-topa.55

Provide more Dictionary protocol for exisiting users of Smalltalk globals.



Name: Compression-dtl.47
Ancestors: Compression-bf.46

ZipDirectoryMember>>localFileName should use host file system semantics to test for file directory path, it should not assume that unix conventions apply.

This hopefully fixes the problem identified by Tim Oesterreich on squeak-dev: [BUG] ERROR: File not in Directory: [...] while trying to create a SAR-archive on Windows



Name: Compiler-topa.292
Ancestors: Compiler-eem.291

Fix super-send DoIts in the debugger.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.592
Ancestors: Collections-mt.592, Collections.spur-mt.591

Collections-mt.592 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Some nil checks replaced with #notNil because ProtoObject knows it and it is faster (about 15%)



Name: Collections.spur-mt.593
Ancestors: Collections-mt.593, Collections.spur-mt.592

Collections-mt.593 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

New ordered dictionary added, which keeps track of the insertion order.



Name: Collections.spur-topa.594
Ancestors: Collections-topa.594, Collections.spur-mt.593

Collections-topa.594 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Add #flattened as alias for #flatten.
The former makes it more clear a copy will be returned (cf. #reversed), the latter is more in line with ANSI names (cf. #reverse) and other languages.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.595
Ancestors: Collections-mt.595

Collections-mt.595 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Some fixes to the OrderedDictionary implementation and its class comment was updated.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.596
Ancestors: Collections-mt.596, Collections.spur-mt.595

Collections-mt.596 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

some fixes to OrderedDictionary including copy; small part of the protocol of OrderedCollection adopted (#sort, #first, ...).



Name: Collections.spur-mt.597
Ancestors: Collections-mt.597, Collections.spur-mt.596

Collections-mt.597 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Removed non-working #first: from OrderedDictionary. Was committed by accident. ^__^



Name: Collections.spur-ul.598
Ancestors: Collections-ul.598

Collections-ul.598 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

- Fix: OrderedCollection >> #asArray returns an Array instead of an instance of the class returned by the class side #arrayType method.
- Slightly more efficient OrderedCollection >> #sort:.
- Merged Collections-ul.589:
	- Deprecated Collection class >> #randomForPicking.
	- Replaced all accesses to RandomForPicking with ThreadSafeRandom value.
	- WeakKeyDictionary >> associationsDo: ignores associations with GC'd keys. This affects all enumerator methods, and makes overriding #keysDo: unnecessary.
	- Added a new method SequenceableCollection #>> groupsDo:, which works like #groupsOf:atATimeDo:, but uses the block's argument count as the group size.

Depends on Kernel-ul.893



Name: Collections.spur-mt.599
Ancestors: Collections-mt.599

Collections-mt.599 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Implemented "First wins"-strategy wrt. to the order of associations. Allowed for simplifying the code.

Order array does only grow to 75% to mitigate the greediness of the Dictionary.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.600
Ancestors: Collections-mt.600, Collections.spur-mt.599

Collections-mt.600 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Copy ranges of elements in OrderedDictionary.



Name: Compiler.spur-topa.292
Ancestors: Compiler-topa.292, Compiler.spur-eem.291

Compiler-topa.292 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Fix super-send DoIts in the debugger.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.602
Ancestors: Collections-mt.602

Collections-mt.602 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

Merged improvements for OrderedDictionary from inbox (ul.601).

Fixed problem in (mt.600 version) #copyFrom:to: with memory allocation. Preferred this over ul.601 because it is faster (8 per second vs. 12 per second).

d := OrderedDictionary new.
1 to: 1000000 do: [:ea | d at: ea put: nil].
[d copyFrom: 250000 to: 750000] bench.



Name: Kernel.spur-ul.893
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.893

Kernel-ul.893 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

- Added Delay >> #delayDuration: which allows one to reuse the same Delay instance with a different duration.
- Merged Kernel-ul.891:
	- Introduced ThreadSafeRandom, a process-local variable holding a Random instance. Replaced all uses of Collection's RandomForPicking with ThreadSafeRandom value.
	- Faster Magnitude >> #between:and:.
	- Added an accessor for Semaphore's excessSignals variable.



Name: System.spur-cmm.696
Ancestors: System-cmm.696, System.spur-kfr.695

System-cmm.696 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.236

- Remove the crazy check for MessageNotUnderstood in Smalltalk #run:..  Headless mode should always exit on any Error.
- In fact, even when not in headless mode, we don't need to halt but simply #pass the Error to the default handler for Errors do what it does, whether that's popping a debugger which could be resumed (if the Error isResumable) or something else.



Name: System-mt.697
Ancestors: System-cmm.696

Let message tally ignore #home but just use #sender to handle block closures correctly.



Name: System-eem.698
Ancestors: System-mt.697

Provide an obsolete method for ObjectHistory that
kills the current ObjectHistory's mark process if the
class is removed.  This allows Spur to easily remove
ObjectHistory, which it does not support.



Name: System-eem.699
Ancestors: System-eem.698

Add block nesting to MessageTally.  c.f.



Name: Kernel-eem.894
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.893

Access a process's environment from effectiveProcess
to provide correct environment access when debugging.



Name: System.spur-mt.697
Ancestors: System-mt.697, System.spur-cmm.696

System-mt.697 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Let message tally ignore #home but just use #sender to handle block closures correctly.



Name: System.spur-eem.698
Ancestors: System-eem.698

System-eem.698 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Provide an obsolete method for ObjectHistory that
kills the current ObjectHistory's mark process if the
class is removed.  This allows Spur to easily remove
ObjectHistory, which it does not support.



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.894
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.894, Kernel.spur-ul.893

Kernel-eem.894 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Access a process's environment from effectiveProcess
to provide correct environment access when debugging.



Name: System.spur-eem.699
Ancestors: System-eem.699, System.spur-eem.698

System-eem.699 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Add block nesting to MessageTally.  c.f.



Name: Kernel-eem.895
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.893

Change Process>>evaluate:onBehalfOf: to update
all non-scheduling variables, such as name and env,
to ensure that access to these variables during
debugging answers those of the debugged process.

This is a smaller, if tricker, change than that in



Name: Kernel-eem.896
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.895

Tweak the write-back of variables in 
Process>>evaluate:onBehalfOf: so as not to
smash variables initialized in the process.



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.895
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.895, Kernel.spur-ul.893

Kernel-eem.895 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Change Process>>evaluate:onBehalfOf: to update
all non-scheduling variables, such as name and env,
to ensure that access to these variables during
debugging answers those of the debugged process.

This is a smaller, if tricker, change than that in



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.896
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.896, Kernel.spur-eem.895

Kernel-eem.896 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.237

Tweak the write-back of variables in 
Process>>evaluate:onBehalfOf: so as not to
smash variables initialized in the process.



Name: Kernel-mt.897
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.896

Dynamic variables will not store their default values into the process' env anymore. This supports changing the result of #default without having to terminate that process (or fiddling with the env var directly...)



Name: KernelTests-mt.286
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.285

new test for dynamic variables added



Name: Morphic-cmm.755
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.754

Let the "Compare to Clipboard" function compare just the selected text to the clipboard text.



Name: Help-Squeak-Project-cmm.21
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-Project-dtl.20

- Update Compare To Clipboard description.



Name: Morphic-cmm.756
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.755

- Present the comparison to clipboard text from the context of paste-modification, since that is what the user is determining whether to do with the clipboard contents.
- Make the same change to ParagraphEditor, for consistency.


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