[squeak-dev] [BUG] ERROR: File not in Directory: [...] while trying to create a SAR-archive on Windows

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sat Jan 24 00:42:35 UTC 2015

Hi Tim and Tobias,

I put a proposed fix for this in the inbox.

The update is:

ZipDirectoryMember>>localFileName: aString
	| dir entry parent fsPath |
	super localFileName: aString.
	fileName last = $/ ifFalse: [ fileName := fileName, '/' ].
	parent := FileDirectory default.
	aString last = parent pathNameDelimiter
		ifTrue: [fsPath := parent fullNameFor: aString]
		ifFalse: [fsPath := parent fullNameFor: aString, parent slash].
	(parent directoryExists: fsPath) ifTrue: [
		dir := FileDirectory on: fsPath.
		entry := dir directoryEntry.
		self setLastModFileDateTimeFrom: entry modificationTime

This separates the host file system test (Windows in the case) from
the path naming in the zip archive. It also expands the path name to
be fully qualified ("C:\foo\bar" not just "bar") because this is important
on Windows and also should work on Unix.

Please give this a try and see if it solves the problem for you. If
nobody complains, I'll move it to trunk in a day or so.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 09:22:25PM +0100, Tim Oesterreich wrote:
> Hello all, 
> |package folder|
> "Name of the Monticello-package that should be archived"
> package := 'SWAProject'.
> "Name of the resources folder in Contents/Resources/"
> folder := 'SWA-Resources'.
> zip := ZipArchive new.
> mczStream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new: 10000).
> workingCopy := MCWorkingCopy forPackage: (MCPackage new name: package).
> version := workingCopy newVersion fileOutOn: mczStream.
> (zip addString: mczStream contents as: package, '.mcz')
> desiredCompressionLevel: 0.
> zip addTree: Smalltalk imagePath match: [:e | e fullName startsWith:
>     Smalltalk imagePath , FileDirectory slash , folder].
> zip addString:  'self fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''' , package,
> '.mcz''.
> (self membersMatching: ''' , folder , FileDirectory slash , '*.*'') do: [ :f
> | self
>     extractMember: f].' as: 'install/preamble'.
> zip writeToFileNamed: package , '.sar'.
> This code should create a SAR-Archive from a Monticello-Package including
> all resources in the specified folder
> However it throws the error "File not in Directory: SWA-Resources#" on a
> Windows-System, while working fine on a Mac.
> It seems like there is an issue with the handling of platform-dependent
> directory seperators  (\ on Windows, / on UNIX). 
> Best
> -Tim


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