[squeak-dev] FileChooser/SaverDialog

Bob Arning arning315 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 2 21:19:59 UTC 2017

On 11/2/17 4:45 PM, tim Rowledge wrote:
>> On 02-11-2017, at 4:01 AM, Bob Arning <arning315 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Here is a version (revised to work in 5.1) that fixes your layout problem
> Yup, sticking a panel in there makes the layout work better; but by doing that we don’t have a working children update since that relies on the paneMorph having the children.. well actually I guess one could make the getChildWidget method return the children wrapped in morph and so on. I’ll try it later.
> As a work-around it’s plausible but it doesn’t lead to an explanation of what on earth is making it go wrong in the first place. The paneMorph is a BorderedMorph instance with corner grips, which in itself seems a bit odd - I mean, why a set of grips wrapped around the inner content?
  in #buildPluggableDialog:

    widget paneMorph wantsPaneSplitters ifTrue: [
         widget paneMorph addCornerGrips"addEdgeGrips".
         widget paneMorph grips do: [:ea | ea drawCornerResizeHandles: 

this offers the ability to resize the submorphs of the paneMorph like 
you resize the panes in a browser

> It’s not like using them to resize the dialog actually works properly - try increasing the size and then reducing it. Better to do that with the more ordinary window resizing grips. What about the BorderedMorph is breaking the submorph layout?

#buildPluggablePanel: does self setLayout: aSpec layout in: widget.
#buildPluggableDialog: does *not* do the same for its paneMorph
> Maybe I’ll try out changing the paneMorph as well.
> The only actual usage of the children->symbol pattern is in FileList where it is used for the file type specific button row; but that is within a panel and not the ‘fake panel’ provided in DialogWindow.
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
> Strange OpCodes: VDP: Violate Design Parameters

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