[squeak-dev] Another modal dialogue issue (was Re: inescapable modal dialog in trunk)

Marcel Taeumel marcel.taeumel at hpi.de
Tue Dec 18 08:13:08 UTC 2018

In the meantime, remember that CMD+Dot is a temporary workaround for such tenacious modal dialogs, because that issue is related to the HandMorph's mouse focus.

Am 18.12.2018 09:07:59 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel at hpi.de>:
Hi, there!

This issue seems to be related to:

http://forum.world.st/PopUpChoiceMorph-borked-tp5074717.html [http://forum.world.st/PopUpChoiceMorph-borked-tp5074717.html]
http://forum.world.st/Usability-issue-with-text-decoration-halo-handles-tp5077338.html [http://forum.world.st/Usability-issue-with-text-decoration-halo-handles-tp5077338.html]
http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-Morphic-mt-1439-mcz-td5077631.html [http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-Morphic-mt-1439-mcz-td5077631.html] (Morphic-mt.1439 MorphicExtras-mt.236 EToys-mt.329)

Let me use the upcoming Christmas vacation time to give this issue another shot. :-)


Am 17.12.2018 20:20:40 schrieb tim Rowledge <tim at rowledge.org>:
Possibly related functionally but certainly by subject area -
the modal dialogues I build for the file chooser etc are 'violated' by a yellowbuttonmenu IF you haven't turned off yellowbutton menus. Not noticed before because my normal preferences do just that; this time I tried some stuff in a very vanilla image and spotted the problem.

Open a file chooser. cClick about a bit to make sure it is live. Click yellow button; you can now wander off and click in other windows - you've killed the modal nature of the dialog. You can 'return' by simply clicking in the dialog again.

(I just noticed that using the halo does the same.)
Turn off 'generalizedYellowButtonMenu' in the preferences and you don't get the (non-halo) problem.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Spell checkers at maximum! Fire!

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