[squeak-dev] The Inbox: Collections-ct.867.mcz

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Sat Dec 7 14:17:45 UTC 2019

A new version of Collections was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-ct.867
Author: ct
Time: 7 December 2019, 3:17:42.114431 pm
UUID: e757d3c9-f127-0c46-adcd-b5d5a5272b1f
Ancestors: Collections-mt.866

As requested, attempt to bring different #format: implementations closer together and optimize Text>>#format:.

Meanwhile, I learnt that integers may indeed be faster to compare than characters ( thanks Marcel :) ). If you notice any other slips, I will be happy to fix them.

=============== Diff against Collections-mt.866 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>format: (in category 'formatting') -----
+ format: arguments 
+ 	"format the receiver with arguments  
- format: aCollection 
- 	"format the receiver with aCollection  
  	simplest example:  
  	'foo {1} bar' format: {Date today}.
  	complete example:  
  	'\{ \} \\ foo {1} bar {2}' format: {12. 'string'}. 
  	^self class new: self size * 11 // 10 "+10%" streamContents: [ :output |
  		| lastIndex nextIndex |
  		lastIndex := 1.
  		[ (nextIndex := self indexOfAnyOf: FormatCharacterSet startingAt: lastIndex) = 0 ] whileFalse: [
  			nextIndex = lastIndex ifFalse: [
  				output next: nextIndex - lastIndex putAll: self startingAt: lastIndex ].
+ 			(self at: nextIndex) caseOf: {
+ 				[ $\ ] -> [ output nextPut: (self at: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1)) ].
+ 				[ ${ ] -> [
- 			(self at: nextIndex) == $\
- 				ifTrue: [ output nextPut: (self at: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1)) ]
- 				ifFalse: [ "${"
  					"Parse the index - a positive integer in base 10."
  					| digitValue collectionIndex |
  					collectionIndex := 0.
  					[ (digitValue := self basicAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1)) between: 48 "$0 asciiValue" and: 57 "$9 asciiValue" ] whileTrue: [
+ 						collectionIndex := collectionIndex * 10 + digitValue - 48 "$0 asciiValue". ].
- 						collectionIndex := collectionIndex * 10 + digitValue - 48. "$0 asciiValue" ].
  					digitValue =  125 "$} asciiValue" ifFalse: [ self error: '$} expected' ].
+ 					output nextPutAll: (arguments at: collectionIndex) asString ] }.
- 					output nextPutAll: (aCollection at: collectionIndex) asString ].
  			lastIndex := nextIndex + 1 ].
  		lastIndex <= self size ifTrue: [
  			output next: self size - lastIndex + 1 putAll: self startingAt: lastIndex ] ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Text>>format: (in category 'formatting') -----
  format: arguments 
  	"format the receiver with arguments, respecting the format both of receiver and collection elements"
+ 	^self class new: self size * 11 // 10 "+10%" streamContents: [ :output |
- 	^self class new: self size * 11 // 10 streamContents: [ :output |
  		| nextIndex |
  		nextIndex := 1.
  		[ nextIndex <= self size ] whileTrue: [
  			(self at: nextIndex) caseOf: {
+ 				[ $\ ] -> [
- 				[$\] -> [
  					nextIndex := nextIndex + 1.
  					output withAttributes: (runs at: nextIndex) do: [
  						output nextPut: (self at: nextIndex) ] ].
+ 				[ ${ ] -> [
- 				[${] -> [
  					"Parse the index - a positive integer in base 10."
+ 					| digitValue collectionIndex attributes |
- 					| character collectionIndex attributes |
  					collectionIndex := 0.
  					attributes := Set new.
+ 					[ (digitValue := string basicAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1)) between: 48 "$0 asciiValue" and: 57 "$9 asciiValue" ] whileTrue: [
+ 						collectionIndex := collectionIndex * 10 + digitValue - 48 "$0 asciiValue". 
- 					[ (character := string at: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1)) isDigit ] whileTrue: [
- 						collectionIndex := collectionIndex * 10 + character digitValue.
  						attributes addAll: (runs at: nextIndex) ].
+ 					digitValue = 125 "$} asciiValue" ifFalse: [ self error: '$} expected' ].
- 					character = $} ifFalse: [ self error: '$} expected' ].
  					output withAttributes: attributes do: [
  						output nextPutAll: (arguments at: collectionIndex) asStringOrText ] ] }
  				otherwise: [
  					output withAttributes: (runs at: nextIndex) do: [
  						output nextPut: (self at: nextIndex) ] ].
  			nextIndex := nextIndex + 1 ] ]!

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