[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Network-nice.237.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Nov 17 15:42:34 UTC 2019

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Network-nice.237
Author: nice
Time: 17 November 2019, 4:42:30.116383 pm
UUID: 5ea94de6-4e06-4dd0-b3af-d52548545d65
Ancestors: Network-mt.236

Use substrings and lines idiom instead of findTokens:

Note: findTokens: feeded with a CharacterSet (CharacterSet separators or CharacterSet crlf) would be equally efficient as above specialized selectors, just a bit longer to write.

=============== Diff against Network-mt.236 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HTTPServerDirectory>>entries (in category 'file directory') -----
  	| answer ftpEntries |
  	answer := HTTPSocket httpGetDocument: self dirListUrl.
  	answer isString
  		ifTrue: [^self error: 'Listing failed: ' , answer]
  		ifFalse: [answer := answer content].
+ 	answer first = $<
- 	answer first == $<
  		ifTrue: [self error: 'Listing failed: ' , answer].
+ 	ftpEntries := answer lines.
- 	ftpEntries := answer findTokens: String crlf.
  	^ ftpEntries 
  		collect:[:ftpEntry | self class parseFTPEntry: ftpEntry]
  		thenSelect: [:entry | entry notNil]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: POP3Client>>messageCount (in category 'public protocol') -----
  	"Query the server and answer the number of messages that are in the user's mailbox."
  	| numMessages |
  	self ensureConnection.
  	self sendCommand: 'STAT'.
  	self checkResponse.
  	self logProgress: self lastResponse.
  	[ | answerString |
+ 	answerString := (self lastResponse substrings) second.
- 	answerString := (self lastResponse findTokens: Character separators) second.
  	numMessages := answerString asNumber asInteger]
  		on: Error
  		do: [:ex | (ProtocolClientError protocolInstance: self) signal: 'Invalid STAT response.'].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ServerDirectory>>entries (in category 'file directory') -----
  	"Return a collection of directory entries for the files and directories in this directory. Each entry is a five-element array: (<name> <creationTime> <modificationTime> <dirFlag> <fileSize>)."
  	| dir ftpEntries |
  	"We start with ftp directory entries of the form...
  d---------   1 owner    group               0 Apr 27 22:01 blasttest
  ----------   1 owner    group           93812 Jul 21  1997 COMMAND.COM
      1        2   3           4                 5    6  7    8       9   -- token index"
  	self isTypeFile ifTrue: [
  		urlObject isAbsolute ifFalse: [urlObject default].
  		^ (FileDirectory on: urlObject pathForDirectory) entries
  	dir := self getDirectory.
  	(dir respondsTo: #contentsOfEntireFile) ifFalse: [^ #()].
+ 	ftpEntries := dir contentsOfEntireFile lines.
- 	ftpEntries := dir contentsOfEntireFile findTokens: String crlf.
- "ftpEntries inspect."
  	^ ftpEntries 
  		collect:[:ftpEntry | self class parseFTPEntry: ftpEntry]
  		thenSelect: [:entry | entry notNil]!

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