[squeak-dev] The Trunk: CollectionsTests-mt.326.mcz

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Mon Nov 18 16:30:34 UTC 2019

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CollectionsTests-mt.326
Author: mt
Time: 18 November 2019, 5:30:37.365051 pm
UUID: dbd08425-8bfa-3a41-b1ae-d11ad450a255
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.325

Adds tests about adding attributes to text.

=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-mt.325 ===============

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>fixturesFormat (in category 'fixtures') -----
- ----- Method: TextTest>>fixturesFormat (in category 'tests') -----
  	^ {
  		{ '\{ \} \\ foo {1} bar {2}' asText
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis bold from: 3 to: 10;
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic from: 12 to: 18;
  			#(12 'string').
  			'{ } \ foo 12 bar string' asText
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis bold from: 2 to: 7;
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic from: 9 to: 14;
  				yourself }.
  		{ '\{ \} \\ foo {2} bar {1}' asText.
  			{ 'string' asText
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis bold from: 2 to: 4;
  				12 }.
  			'{ } \ foo 12 bar string' asText
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis bold from: 19 to: 21;
  				yourself }.
  		{ '\{1}' asText.
  			'{1}' asText }.
  		{ '\{1}{1}' asText allBold.
  			{ $a asText
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic;
  				yourself }.
  			'{1}a' asText allBold
  				addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic from: 4 to: 4;
  				yourself }.
  		{ 'foo' asText.
  			'foo' asText }.

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>fixturesFormatErrors (in category 'fixtures') -----
- ----- Method: TextTest>>fixturesFormatErrors (in category 'tests') -----
  	^ #(
  		'{1 }'
  		'{ 1}'
  		'{ 1.0 }'
  		'{1 foo'

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test02Format (in category 'tests') -----
+ test02Format
+ 	self fixturesFormat do: [ :fixture | | expectedResult actualResult |
+ 		expectedResult := fixture third.
+ 		actualResult := fixture first format: fixture second.
+ 		self
+ 			assert: expectedResult equals: actualResult;
+ 			assert: expectedResult runs size equals: actualResult runs size.
+ 		1 to: expectedResult size do: [ :i |
+ 			self
+ 				assert: (expectedResult attributesAt: i) asSet
+ 				equals: (actualResult attributesAt: i) asSet ] ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test03FormatErrors (in category 'tests') -----
+ test03FormatErrors
+ 	self fixturesFormatErrors do: [ :each |
+ 		self should: [ each asText format: { 'x' } ] raise: Error ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test04AddAttribute (in category 'tests') -----
+ test04AddAttribute
+ 	| text attributeOne attributeTwo |
+ 	text := Text fromString: 'abc'.
+ 	attributeOne := TextEmphasis bold.
+ 	attributeTwo := TextColor color: Color yellow.
+ 	1 to: text size do: [:index |
+ 		self assert: (text attributesAt: index) isEmpty].	
+ 	text addAttribute: attributeOne.
+ 	1 to: text size do: [:index |
+ 		self assert: {attributeOne} equals: (text attributesAt: index)].
+ 	text addAttribute: attributeTwo.
+ 	1 to: text size do: [:index |
+ 		self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: index)].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test05AddAttributeFromTo (in category 'tests') -----
+ test05AddAttributeFromTo
+ 	| text attributeOne attributeTwo |
+ 	attributeOne := TextEmphasis bold.
+ 	attributeTwo := TextColor color: Color yellow.
+ 	text := Text fromString: 'abc'.
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 1) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 2) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 3) isEmpty.	
+ 	text addAttribute: attributeOne from: 2 to: 3.
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 1) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne} equals: (text attributesAt: 2).
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne} equals: (text attributesAt: 3).
+ 	text addAttribute: attributeTwo from: 1 to: 2.
+ 	self assert: {attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 1).	
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 2).
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne} equals: (text attributesAt: 3).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test06AddAllAttributes (in category 'tests') -----
+ test06AddAllAttributes
+ 	| text attributeOne attributeTwo |
+ 	attributeOne := TextEmphasis bold.
+ 	attributeTwo := TextColor color: Color yellow.
+ 	text := Text fromString: 'abc'.
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 1) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 2) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 3) isEmpty.	
+ 	text addAllAttributes: {attributeOne. attributeTwo}.
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 1).	
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 2).
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 3).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextTest>>test07AddAllAttributesFromTo (in category 'tests') -----
+ test07AddAllAttributesFromTo
+ 	| text attributeOne attributeTwo |
+ 	attributeOne := TextEmphasis bold.
+ 	attributeTwo := TextColor color: Color yellow.
+ 	text := Text fromString: 'abc'.
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 1) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 2) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 3) isEmpty.	
+ 	text addAllAttributes: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} from: 2 to: 3.
+ 	self assert: (text attributesAt: 1) isEmpty.	
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 2).
+ 	self assert: {attributeOne. attributeTwo} equals: (text attributesAt: 3).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextTest>>testFormat (in category 'tests') -----
- testFormat
- 	self fixturesFormat do: [ :fixture | | expectedResult actualResult |
- 		expectedResult := fixture third.
- 		actualResult := fixture first format: fixture second.
- 		self
- 			assert: expectedResult equals: actualResult;
- 			assert: expectedResult runs size equals: actualResult runs size.
- 		1 to: expectedResult size do: [ :i |
- 			self
- 				assert: (expectedResult attributesAt: i) asSet
- 				equals: (actualResult attributesAt: i) asSet ] ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextTest>>testFormatErrors (in category 'tests') -----
- testFormatErrors
- 	self fixturesFormatErrors do: [ :each |
- 		self should: [ each asText format: { 'x' } ] raise: Error ]!

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