[squeak-dev] The Inbox: System-dtl.1164.mcz

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Fri Jun 12 19:41:34 UTC 2020

Hi Tim,

On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 12:06:00PM -0700, tim Rowledge wrote:
> > On 2020-06-09, at 11:52 AM, David T. Lewis <lewis at mail.msen.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Funny you should mention it, that's how I went down this rabbit hole
> > in the first place. I was thinking that it would be an obviously good
> > thing to do if we could evaluate a doIt or named script file immediately
> > on image startup, as opposed to waiting until all of the Etoys script
> > processing comes to life somewhere later in the startUp process.
> Exactly. Note that VW has several commandline switches we might want to learn from
> -filein {some file names}
> -doit {some strings}
> -evaluate {a single string & write result to stdout & quit
> -cli {start a commandline loop}

Attached is a quick and dirty implementation than handles -filein, -doit, and -evaluate.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak6.0alpha of 8 June 2020 [latest update: #19714] on 12 June 2020 at 3:38:05 pm'!
"Change Set:		DoItFirst-dtl
Date:			12 June 2020
Author:			David T Lewis

Be the first thing in the system startup list, and do things that should be done prior to any additional image initialization. If the first image argument is a recognized option, evalutate it. Image arguments are typically preceeded by a '--' token on the command line.

Possible command options:
   -filein {some file names}
   -doit {some strings}
   -evaluate {a single string & write result to stdout & quit"!

!DoItFirst commentStamp: 'dtl 6/12/2020 15:34' prior: 0!
Be the first thing in the system startup list, and do things that should be done prior to any additional image initialization. If the first image argument is a recognized option, evalutate it. Image arguments are typically preceeded by a '--' token on the command line.

Possible command options:
   -filein {some file names}
   -doit {some strings}
   -evaluate {a single string & write result to stdout & quit

!DoItFirst class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'dtl 6/11/2020 18:42'!

	"DoItFirst initialize"

	Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self before: SmallInteger.! !

!DoItFirst class methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'dtl 6/12/2020 14:41'!
doIt: arguments
	"Evaluate arguments and print the result on stdout, or error message on stderr.
	Exit the image after any error."
	FileStream startUp: true.
	arguments do: [ :arg |
		[FileStream stdout nextPutAll: (Compiler evaluate: arg) asString; lf; flush]
			on: Error
			do: [ :ex | FileStream stderr nextPutAll: ex asString; lf; flush.
				Smalltalk quitPrimitive ]]! !

!DoItFirst class methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'dtl 6/12/2020 14:35'!
evaluate: arg
	"Evaluate arg and print the result on stdout, or error message on stderr.
	Exit immediately without saving the image."
	FileStream startUp: true.
	[FileStream stdout nextPutAll: (Compiler evaluate: arg) asString; lf; flush]
		on: Error
		do: [ :ex | FileStream stderr nextPutAll: ex asString; lf; flush ].
	Smalltalk quitPrimitive! !

!DoItFirst class methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'dtl 6/12/2020 15:28'!
fileIn: fileNames
	"File in each named file. On error, print a message to stderr and exit the image."
	FileStream startUp: true.
	fileNames do: [ :arg |
		[ | fs |
		fs := FileStream oldFileNamed: arg.
		FileStream stdout nextPutAll: 'fiie in ', fs asString; lf; flush.
		fs fileIn ]
			on: Error
			do: [ :ex | FileStream stderr nextPutAll: ex asString; lf; flush.
				Smalltalk quitPrimitive ]]! !

!DoItFirst class methodsFor: 'system startup' stamp: 'dtl 6/12/2020 14:47'!
startUp: resuming
	resuming ifTrue: [ | args |
		args := Smalltalk arguments.
		args size > 1
			ifTrue: [ args first
				caseOf: {
					[ '-doit' ] -> [ self doIt: args allButFirst ] .
					[ '--doit' ] -> [ self doIt: args allButFirst ] .
					[ '-evaluate' ] -> [ self evaluate: args second ] .
					[ '--evaluate' ] -> [ self evaluate: args second ] .
					[ '-filein' ] -> [ self fileIn: args allButFirst ] .
					[ '--filein' ] -> [ self fileIn: args allButFirst ]
				otherwise: []]]
! !

DoItFirst initialize!

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