[squeak-dev] How to use OSProcess with stdin and stdout

Martin Kuball martinkuball at web.de
Thu May 14 19:37:26 UTC 2020


I'm trying to do some OCR from squeak using tesseract. I installed OSProcess.
So far so good. But I don't know what classes to use for stdIn and stdOut. My
code would look something like this:

| proc stdIn stdOut d |
stdIn := ???
stdOut := ???
proc := ExternalUnixOSProcess forkAndExec: '/usr/bin/tesseract' arguments:
#('-' '-' '--dpi' '100') environment: nil descriptors: (Array with: stdIn
with: stdOut with: nil).
proc ifNil: [self class noAccessorAvailable].
d := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
[proc runState == #complete] whileFalse: [d wait].
" and now read the text from stdOut..."

Can someone fill in the blanks or point me to code that does similar things?
Thanks very much.


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