[squeak-dev] The Trunk: MorphicTests-nice.76.mcz

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Wed Apr 14 18:36:37 UTC 2021

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MorphicTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicTests-nice.76
Author: nice
Time: 14 April 2021, 8:36:28.728889 pm
UUID: c2f02bb9-13ed-a74e-b5fa-f4f84b52ba01
Ancestors: MorphicTests-nice.75

Fix 3 tests

=============== Diff against MorphicTests-nice.75 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphTest>>test10TransformKeepsLayer (in category 'tests - submorphs - layers') -----
+ 	| transform |
- 	| aMorph transform |
- 	aMorph := Morph new.
  	transform := morph addFlexShell.
+ 	morph morphicLayerNumber: 50. 
- 	aMorph morphicLayerNumber: 50. 
  	self assert: 50 equals: transform morphicLayerNumber.
  	transform morphicLayerNumber: 20.
  	self assert: 20 equals: transform morphicLayerNumber.	
+ 	transform removeMorph: morph.
- 	transform removeMorph: aMorph.
  	transform morphicLayerNumber: 50.
+ 		assert: 20 equals: morph morphicLayerNumber;
- 		assert: 20 equals: aMorph morphicLayerNumber;
  		assert: 50 equals: transform morphicLayerNumber!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphTest>>test12ResetLayerToDefault (in category 'tests - submorphs - layers') -----
+ 	| default |
+ 	default := morph morphicLayerNumber.
- 	| aMorph default |
- 	aMorph := Morph new.
- 	default := aMorph morphicLayerNumber.
+ 	morph morphicLayerNumber: default * 2.
+ 	self deny: default equals: morph morphicLayerNumber.
- 	aMorph morphicLayerNumber: default * 2.
- 	self deny: default equals: aMorph morphicLayerNumber.
  	morph morphicLayerNumber: nil.
+ 	self assert: default equals: morph morphicLayerNumber!
- 	self assert: default equals: aMorph morphicLayerNumber!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayoutTest>>testCheckBoxGroup (in category 'tests - example layouts') -----
+ 	| group groupContents labels boxHeight |
- 	| group groupContents labels |
  	labels := Dictionary new.
  	group := self newContainer
  		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
  		listDirection: #topToBottom;
  		layoutInset: 0;
  		cellPositioning: #topLeft;
  		borderStyle: (SimpleBorder color: Color black width: 2);
  	group addMorphBack: (labels at: #groupLabel put: 'Favorite Ice Cream' asMorph).
  	groupContents := self newContainer
  		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
  		listDirection: #topToBottom;
  		cellGap: 0;
  		cellPositioning: #topLeft;
  	group addMorphBack: groupContents.
+ 	boxHeight := 16.
  	#('Vanilla' 'Chocolate') withIndexDo: [:label :index |
  		| checkBox |
  		checkBox := self newContainer
  			hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  			vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  			layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
  			listDirection: #rightToLeft;
  			addMorphBack: (labels at: (#box, index asString) asSymbol put: label asMorph);
+ 			addMorphBack: (self newMorph extent: 16 at boxHeight; borderColor: Color black; borderWidth: 2).
- 			addMorphBack: (self newMorph extent: 16 at 16; borderColor: Color black; borderWidth: 2).
  		groupContents addMorphBack: checkBox].
  	self ensureLayout: group.
  		assert: (labels at: #groupLabel) width + (group borderWidth * 2)
  		equals: group width.
  		assert: (labels at: #groupLabel) height
+ 			+ ((labels at: #box1) height max: boxHeight)
+ 			+ ((labels at: #box2) height max: boxHeight)
- 			+ (labels at: #box1) height
- 			+ (labels at: #box2) height
  			+ (group borderWidth * 2)
  		equals: group height.!

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