[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1760.mcz

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Mon Apr 26 07:10:08 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1760
Author: mt
Time: 26 April 2021, 9:10:01.755065 am
UUID: 78267d62-77c5-8c48-87c3-81525301c8b4
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1759

Fixes a regression for "re-use windows" in smart search. Thanks Christoph (ct)!

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1759 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SearchBar>>smartSearch:in: (in category 'searching') -----
  smartSearch: text in: morph
  	"Take the user input and perform an appropriate search"
  	| input newContents |
  	self removeResultsWidget.
  	input := text asString ifEmpty:[^self].
  	self class useSmartSearch ifFalse: [^ ToolSet default browseMessageNames: input].
  	(Symbol lookup: input) ifNotNil:
  		[:symbol| input := symbol].
  	"If it is a global or a full class name, browse that class."
  	(Smalltalk bindingOf: input) ifNotNil:
  		[:assoc| | class |
  		class := (assoc value isBehavior ifTrue:[assoc value] ifFalse:[assoc value class]) theNonMetaClass.
+ 		^ToolSet browseClass: class].
- 		Project current world submorphs do:
- 			[:windowMorph|
- 			 (windowMorph isSystemWindow
- 			  and: [(windowMorph model isKindOf: Browser)
- 			  and: [windowMorph model isDisplayingClass: class]]) ifTrue:
- 				[windowMorph beKeyWindow.
- 				 ^windowMorph model displayClass: class]].
- 		^ToolSet browse: class selector: nil].
  	"If it is a symbol and there are implementors of it, browse those implementors."
  	input isSymbol ifTrue:
  		[(SystemNavigation new allImplementorsOf: input) ifNotEmpty:
  			^SystemNavigation new
  				browseMessageList: list
  				name: 'Implementors of ' , input]].
  	"If it starts uppercase, browse classes if any. Otherwise, just search for messages."
  	input first isUppercase ifTrue:
  		[(UIManager default classFromPattern: input withCaption: '') ifNotNil:
  			[:aClass| ^ToolSet browse: aClass selector: nil].
  		newContents := input, ' -- not found.'.
  		self searchTerm: newContents.
  		self selection: (input size+1 to: newContents size).
  		self currentHand newKeyboardFocus: morph textMorph.
  		^ self].
  	"Default to browse message names..."
  	ToolSet default browseMessageNames: input!

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