[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Tools-mt.1050.mcz

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Fri Apr 30 07:19:17 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-mt.1050
Author: mt
Time: 30 April 2021, 9:19:14.010936 am
UUID: c1a1da37-9117-f548-b3a3-f910d6ae2c4c
Ancestors: Tools-mt.1049

Refactors buildWith: in ChangeSorter to match the implementation in other tools (such as MessageSet and Browser).

Complements Kernel-mt.1396

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.1049 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildChangeSetListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildChangeSetListWith: builder
+ 	| listSpec |
+ 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
+ 	listSpec 
+ 		model: self;
+ 		list: #changeSetList; 
+ 		getSelected: #currentCngSet; 
+ 		setSelected: #showChangeSetNamed:; 
+ 		menu: #changeSetMenu:shifted:; 
+ 		keyPress: #changeSetListKey:from:;
+ 		dragItem: #dragChangeSet:;
+ 		autoDeselect: false.
+ 	^ listSpec!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildClassListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildClassListWith: builder
+ 	| listSpec |
+ 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
+ 	listSpec 
+ 		model: self;
+ 		list: #classList; 
+ 		getSelected: #currentClassName; 
+ 		setSelected: #currentClassName:; 
+ 		menu: #classListMenu:shifted:; 
+ 		keyPress: #classListKey:from:;
+ 		dragItem: #dragClass:.
+ 	^ listSpec!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildCodePaneWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildCodePaneWith: builder
+ 	| textSpec |
+ 	textSpec := builder pluggableCodePaneSpec new.
+ 	textSpec 
+ 		model: self;
+ 		getText: #contents; 
+ 		setText: #contents:notifying:; 
+ 		selection: #contentsSelection; 
+ 		menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
+ 	^ textSpec!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildMessageListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildMessageListWith: builder
+ 	| listSpec |
+ 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
+ 	listSpec 
+ 		model: self;
+ 		list: #messageList; 
+ 		getSelected: #currentSelector;
+ 		setSelected: #currentSelector:; 
+ 		menu: #messageMenu:shifted:; 
+ 		keyPress: #messageListKey:from:;
+ 		dragItem: #dragMessage:.
+ 	^ listSpec!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
  buildWith: builder
+ 	^ builder build:
+ 		(self
+ 			buildWith: builder
+ 			in: (self buildWindowWith: builder)
+ 			rect: (0 at 0 extent: 1 at 1))!
- 	"
- 		ToolBuilder open: ChangeSorter.
- 	"
- 	|  windowSpec |
- 	windowSpec := builder pluggableWindowSpec new.
- 	windowSpec label: 'Change Sorter'.
- 	windowSpec model: self.
- 	windowSpec children: OrderedCollection new.
- 	windowSpec label: #labelString.
- 	self buildWith: builder in: windowSpec rect: (0 at 0 extent: 1 at 1).
- 	^builder build: windowSpec!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildWith:in:rect: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
  buildWith: builder in: window rect: rect
- 	| csListHeight msgListHeight csMsgListHeight listSpec textSpec |
- 	contents := ''.
- 	csListHeight := 0.25.
- 	msgListHeight := 0.25.
- 	csMsgListHeight := csListHeight + msgListHeight.
+ 	| windowSpec offset factor |
+ 	offset := rect origin.
+ 	factor := rect extent.
+ 	windowSpec := self buildWindow: window with: builder specs: (({
+ 		(0.0 at 0.0 corner: 0.5 at 0.25) -> [self buildChangeSetListWith: builder].
+ 		(0.5 at 0.0 corner: 1.0 at 0.25) -> [self buildClassListWith: builder].
+ 		(0.0 at 0.25 corner: 1.0 at 0.5) -> [self buildMessageListWith: builder].
+ 		(0.0 at 0.5 corner: 1.0 at 1.0) -> [self buildCodePaneWith: builder] })
+ 			collect: [:spec | ((spec key scaleBy: factor) translateBy: offset) -> spec value]).
+ 	^ builder build: windowSpec!
- 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
- 	listSpec 
- 		model: self;
- 		list: #changeSetList; 
- 		getSelected: #currentCngSet; 
- 		setSelected: #showChangeSetNamed:; 
- 		menu: #changeSetMenu:shifted:; 
- 		keyPress: #changeSetListKey:from:;
- 		dragItem: #dragChangeSet:;
- 		autoDeselect: false;
- 		frame: (((0 at 0 extent: 0.5 at csListHeight)
- 			scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin).
- 	window children add: listSpec.
- 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
- 	listSpec 
- 		model: self;
- 		list: #classList; 
- 		getSelected: #currentClassName; 
- 		setSelected: #currentClassName:; 
- 		menu: #classListMenu:shifted:; 
- 		keyPress: #classListKey:from:;
- 		dragItem: #dragClass:;
- 		frame: (((0.5 at 0 extent: 0.5 at csListHeight)
- 			scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin).
- 	window children add: listSpec.
- 	listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
- 	listSpec 
- 		model: self;
- 		list: #messageList; 
- 		getSelected: #currentSelector;
- 		setSelected: #currentSelector:; 
- 		menu: #messageMenu:shifted:; 
- 		keyPress: #messageListKey:from:;
- 		dragItem: #dragMessage:;
- 		frame: (((0 at csListHeight extent: 1 at msgListHeight)
- 			scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin).
- 	window children add: listSpec.
- 	textSpec := builder pluggableCodePaneSpec new.
- 	textSpec 
- 		model: self;
- 		getText: #contents; 
- 		setText: #contents:notifying:; 
- 		selection: #contentsSelection; 
- 		menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:;
- 		frame: (((0 at csMsgListHeight corner: 1 at 1) scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin).
- 	window children add: textSpec.
- 	^window!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DualChangeSorter>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
  buildWith: builder
  	| windowSpec window |
  	leftCngSorter := ChangeSorter new myChangeSet: ChangeSet current.
  	leftCngSorter parent: self.
  	rightCngSorter := ChangeSorter new myChangeSet: 
  			ChangeSet secondaryChangeSet.
  	rightCngSorter parent: self.
+ 	windowSpec := self buildWindowWith: builder.
- 	windowSpec := builder pluggableWindowSpec new.
- 	windowSpec model: self.
- 	windowSpec label: 'Change Sorter'.
- 	windowSpec children: OrderedCollection new.
- 	windowSpec label: #labelString.
  	leftCngSorter buildWith: builder in: windowSpec rect: (0 at 0 extent: 0.5 at 1).
  	rightCngSorter buildWith: builder in: windowSpec rect: (0.5 at 0 extent: 0.5 at 1).
  	window := builder build: windowSpec.
  	leftCngSorter addDependent: window.		"so it will get changed: #relabel"
  	rightCngSorter addDependent: window.	"so it will get changed: #relabel"

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