[squeak-dev] SmalltalkImage >> vmParameterAt: comment

gettimothy gettimothy at zoho.com
Fri Oct 29 17:11:58 UTC 2021

Hi Folks

If anybody thinks this is helpful, here is the comment for the above image redone with "doits" 

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:1	     "byte size of old-space (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:2	     "byte size of young-space (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:3	     "byte size of object memory (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:4	     "allocationCount (read-only; nil in Cog VMs)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:5	     "allocations between GCs (read-write; nil in Cog VMs)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:6	     "survivor count tenuring threshold (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:7	     "full GCs since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:8	     "total milliseconds in full GCs since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:9	     "incremental GCs since startup (read-only; scavenging GCs on Spur)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:10	     "total milliseconds in incremental/scavenging GCs since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:11	     "tenures of surving objects since startup/last write (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:12	     "event trace mask; if 1 << eventType is set in the mask then event received by primGetNextEvent: will be printed to stderr."

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:13-15        "specific to the (o0bsolete) translating VM"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:16	     "total microseconds in idle since startup"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:17	     "proportion of code zone available for use (Sista VMs only; read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:18	     "total milliseconds in full GC compaction since startup (a portion of parameter 8)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:19	     "scavenge threshold; the effective size of eden"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:20	     "utc microseconds at VM start-up (actually at time initialization, which precedes image load) (newer Cog VMs only)."

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:21	     "root (remembered) table size (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:22	     "root (remembered) table overflows since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:23	     "bytes of extra memory to reserve for VM buffers, plugins, etc."

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:24	     "memory threshold above which to shrink object memory (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:25	     "ammount to grow by when growing object memory (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:26	     "interruptChecksEveryNms - force an ioProcessEvents every N milliseconds (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:27	     "number of times mark loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) includes ALL marking"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:28	     "number of times sweep loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:29	     "number of times make forward loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:30	     "number of times compact move loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:31	     "number of grow memory requests (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:32	     "number of shrink memory requests (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:33	     "number of root table entries used for current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:34	     "bytes allocated in total since start-up or reset (read-write)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:35	     "number of survivor objects after current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:36	     "millisecond clock when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:37	     "number of marked objects for Roots of the world, not including Root Table entries for current IGC/FGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:38	     "milliseconds taken by current IGC (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:39	     "Number of finalization signals for Weak Objects pending when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:40	     "BytesPerWord for this image"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:41	     "imageFormatVersion for the VM"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:42	     "number of stack pages in use (Cog Stack VM only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:43	     "desired number of stack pages (stored in image file header, max 65535; Cog VMs only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:44	     "size of eden, in bytes (Cog VMs only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:45	     "desired size of eden, in bytes (stored in image file header; Cog VMs only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:46	     "size of machine code zone, in bytes (stored in image file header; Cog JIT VM only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:47	     "desired size of machine code zone, in bytes (applies at startup only, stored in image file header; Cog JIT VM only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:48	     "various properties stored in the image header (that instruct the VM) as an integer encoding an array of bit flags."

Bit 0: tells the VM that the image's Process class has threadId as its 5th inst var (after nextLink, suspendedContext, priority & myList)

Bit 1: on Cog JIT VMs asks the VM to set the flag bit in interpreted methods

Bit 2: if set, preempting a process puts it to the head of its run queue, not the back,

i.e. preempting a process by a higher priority one will not cause the preempted process to yield

to others at the same priority.

Bit 3: in a muilt-threaded VM, if set, the Window system will only be accessed from the first VM thread

Bit 4: in a Spur vm, if set, causes weaklings and ephemerons to be queued individually for finalization

Bit 5: if set, implies wheel events will be delivered as such and not mapped to arrow key events

Bit 6: if set, implies arithmetic primitives will fail if given arguments of different types (float vs int)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:49	     "the size of the external semaphore table (read-write; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:50-51   "reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:52	      "root (remembered) table maximum size (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:53	     "the number of oldSpace segments (Spur only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:54	     "total size of free old space (Spur only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:55	     "ratio of growth and image size at or above which a GC will be performed post scavenge (Spur only, otherwise nil)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:56	     "number of process switches since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:57	     "number of ioProcessEvents calls since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:58	     "number of forceInterruptCheck (Cog VMs) or quickCheckInterruptCalls (non-Cog VMs) calls since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:59	     "number of check event calls since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:60	     "number of stack page overflows since startup (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:61	     "number of stack page divorces since startup (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:62	     "number of machine code zone compactions since startup (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:63	     "milliseconds taken by machine code zone compactions since startup (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:64	     "current number of machine code methods (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:65	     "In newer Cog VMs a set of flags describing VM features,"

     if non-zero bit 0 implies multiple bytecode set support;

     if non-zero bit 1 implies read-only object support;

     if non-zero bit 2 implies the VM suffers from using an ITIMER heartbeat (if 0 it has a thread that provides the heartbeat)

(read-only; Cog VMs only; nil in older Cog VMs, a boolean answering multiple bytecode support in not so old Cog VMs)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:66	     "the byte size of a stack page in the stack zone  (read-only; Cog VMs only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:67	     "the maximum allowed size of old space in bytes, 0 implies no internal limit (Spur VMs only)."

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:68	     "the average number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:69	     "the maximum number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:70	     "the value of VM_PROXY_MAJOR (the interpreterProxy major version number)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:71	     "the value of VM_PROXY_MINOR (the interpreterProxy minor version number)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:72           "total milliseconds in full GCs Mark phase since startup (read-only)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:73           "total milliseconds in full GCs Sweep phase since startup (read-only, can be 0 depending on compactors)"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:74           "maximum pause time due to segment allocation"

SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt:75           "whether arithmetic primitives will do mixed type arithmetic; if false they fail for different receiver and argument types"

Maybe it will be handier . 

If not, I have them in Doc and github

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