[squeak-dev] Faster window drag for Morphic

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Sat Apr 2 17:32:31 UTC 2022

It's a very long time since I played in this part of the sandpit but this seems like it might be amenable to the Morph>>#wantsDroppedMorph:event:/wantsToBeDroppedInto: protocol. And maybe the Morph>>#repelsMorph:event:/#rejectDropEvent: stuff too?

Surely the logic ought the include testing to see if the SystemWindow would ever be interested in accepting the drop?

> On 2022-04-02, at 10:11 AM, Tim Johnson <digit at sonic.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been surprised about how SystemWindows become active when dragging other SystemWindows, Inspectors, PluggableXYZ windows (or morphs in general?) on top of (or over) them.  It produces a noticable lag in the UI.  This is only evident when the preference 'Fast window drag for Morphic' is turned OFF and whole windows are being dragged.  (Having Soft shadows enabled slows it down further, I think.)
> IMHO these windows would not accept the drop, so they should not become active.
> I did some spying on the UI process and found that all code panes are being redrawn (?) when dragging morphs over SystemWindows.  This is easily and quickly defeated/remedied by commenting out 'self activate' in the following method, as follows:
> SystemWindow>>#mouseEnterDragging: evt
> 	"unlock children for drop operations"
> 	self flag: #performance. "mt: There may be no need to change appearance if no widget wants the drop."
> 	self isActive ifTrue: [self lookFocused].
> 	(self isActive not and: [evt hand hasSubmorphs]) ifTrue: [
> 		"self activate." "unlock contents for drop"
> 		evt hand addMouseListener: self. "for drop completion on submorph"
> 	].
> My question:  could the drag-and-drop "#wantsXYZ" protocol be followed here to optimize this?  Or perhaps there is some other way to /not/ make the window active (and thus redraw all its panes, I think?) when a morph /it does not want/ is dragged over it?
> Thanks
> Tim

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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