[squeak-dev] Error during installation of Git Browser from the Tools menu

Jakob Reschke jakres+squeak at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 21:57:50 UTC 2022

Hi rabbit,

I just installed the Git Browser via the Tools menu in a new trunk image
and a new Squeak 6.0 image. In both it worked as it should.

Please provide more information on your Squeak image and environment. Is it
a trunk image or a release image? Operating system?

In my corresponding cache
directory C:\Squeak\github-cache\Metacello#metacello\master\Metacello-metacello-214c519\repository\Metacello-MC.package
there is no 'instance' directory. properties.json should exist in the
package directory and in the class and extension directories, but not in
the instance directories that ought to be inside of the class and extension
directories. What exactly is the incorrect path or non-existent file in
your case? It could help to find out whether it is a path that should not
exist and was therefore incorrectly constructed, or whether it is a legit
path and some files are missing in what has been extracted on your disk.

Kind regards,

Am So., 2. Okt. 2022 um 19:14 Uhr schrieb rabbit <rabbit at callistohouse.org>:

> Hey all'y'all,
> I am getting an installation error when trying to install the Git Browser.
> I think it is during the Metacello-MC install. I'm stuck.
> The UndefinedObject>>#error: 'only integers should be used as indices' is
> occurring in the
> MCFileTreeStCypressReader>>#addExtensionClassAndMethodDefinitionsFromEntry:
> classEntry.
> The classEntry is
> a DirectoryEntryDirectory String.extension
> in the directory:
> '/media/rabbit/PRIME/CallistoHouse/squeak-6.0/github-cache/Metacello/metacello/master/Metacello-metacello-214c519/repository/Metacello-MC.package'
> inside of #addExtensionClassAndMethodDefinitionsFromEntry: classEntry.,
> the classPropertiesDict is nil. This is due to the classDirectory entries
> returning another directory '*instance*'. There is no 'properties.ston'
> or 'properties.json' file inside of #isPropertyFile: with the directory
> 'instance' as the entry tested. In fact there is no properties files inside
> of 'instance' directory.
> classDirectory := self fileUtils directoryFromEntry: classEntry.
>   ((entries := classDirectory entries) ...
>     detect: [ :entry | self isPropertyFile: entry ]
>     ifNone: [  ])
> Help! Muchas gracias!
> --
> Have a good one; keep it, light.
> Kindly,
> rabbit
> . .. … ‘…^,^
> Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions
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