[squeak-dev] [ANN] Prolog update

rabbit rabbit at callistohouse.org
Tue Oct 4 22:19:49 UTC 2022

This is greek to me. Would you be interested in loading ELinda and 
implementing Linda match: using Prolog? I would be **very** interested 
to see it!

Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions

On 10/4/22 18:13, Stéphane Rollandin wrote:
>> Could this be easily done using Prolog?
> Very easily. Prolog is the king of pattern-matching!
> For example, the append/2 predicate is implemented as
>     logicAppend
>     append([], X, X).
>     append([H | X], Y, [H | Z]) :- append(X, Y, Z).
> and this is the *actual code* for the method #logicAppend in class 
> Prolog.
> Now equipped with this, you can do
>     append([a, b], [c, d], List)
> and you will get the unification (Prolog's uber-notion for 
> pattern-matching)
>     List = [a,b,c,d].
> So far, so good. But you can also do
>     append(A, B, [1, 2])
> which will give you the three ways two lists A and B can be appended 
> to get [1,2]. The answer will be
>     A = []. B = [1,2].
>     A = [1]. B = [2].
>     A = [1 2]. B= [].
> But there is more. You can in fact use any pattern in the arguments, 
> and unification will tell you what works.
> For example,
>     append([X | T], [a], [Z, Z, Z])
> will give you the only way it is possible to append [a] to some [X | 
> T] (that's a cons cell with car X and cdr T) and get some [Z, Z, Z] as 
> result (note that only the capitalized terms are variables). It is:
>     X = a. T = [a]. Z = a
> The code snippets above can be directly tested in the REPL you get by 
> evaluating
>     Prolog new openGui
> Best,
> Stef
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