[SqueakDBX] auto increment on Squeak/Pharo - Glorp - Postgres

Yanni Chiu yanni at rogers.com
Wed Feb 17 15:27:44 UTC 2010

On page 14 of http://www.eli.sdsu.edu/SmalltalkDocs/GlorpTutorial.pdf, 
it says:

"When a session has a registered Person object with a nil value for the 
id instance variable, GLORP retrieves the next value in the id sequence 
and sets the id."

I'm running with the Squeak/Pharo version of Glorp, with Postgres, and 
this auto sequence did not work. Is this because the Squeak version is 
much older? How does the Squeak version compare with the latest VW 
version of Glorp?



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