[SqueakDBX] [ANN] New Glorp Port

Guillermo Polito guillermopolito at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 02:57:14 UTC 2011

I'm glad to announce a first stable version of the new Glorp Port, from VW

The port has been integrated with the DBXTalk Driver (before known as
SqueakDBX), and tested on the following platforms:

MySql: 872 tests run, 18 errors, 6 failures
PostgreSQL: 872 tests, 18 errors, 6 failures
Oracle: 872 tests, 21 errors, 5 failures.

Most of the errors are caused by stuff the DBXTalk Driver does not support
yet, like LOBS.  Also, there are some bugs yet I have to attack and learn
how to get rid of, hehe.

One think to be careful of yet is the licencing (or how it should be
written).  Glorp licence today is LGPL, but in the way to be MIT :).

So, if you want to download and try it, evaluate in a workspace, in Pharo
1.2 and 1.3,

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'DBXTalk';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';

(ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX project version: #stable) load

And start playing!

I think I'll become the new port mantainer, so feedback, bug reports and
everything else is appreciated.

BTW, documentation and some new tools are on the way too.

Guille :)
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