[Squeakfoundation]final fixes for 3.4beta

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 00:13:10 -0500

Okay, here's the final list of collected fixes for 3.4beta, which I now 
recommend that Scott include in the update stream ASAP, if there are no 
objections.  I had them all loaded into an image I worked with for 

This is roughly the same as the list I sent a few days ago, except that 
it also includes:
- Ned's fix for zip archives with subdirectories under Windows.  I 
verified that this fix works.
- I noticed that WeakMessageSend2-nk-rw seemed to require a small 
changeset (FileListRefactor1-nk) submitted around the same time as a 
prerequisite, so that should be included too.  (FileListRefactor1-nk 
mostly just adds a couple of methods to the class side of FileList)  I 
also played around a bit with the when:send:to: stuff and verified that 
the WeakMessageSends are getting garbage collected in this fixed version.
- A recommendation to revert update #5137, the class template editing 
issue, which we discussed.  We could try to address this in 3.5alpha if 
we need to.

A couple of these are order dependent, so they should probably be added 
to the update stream in this order:

1. [FIX] WeakKeyAssn-raok (29 November 2002) * ok@cs.otago.ac.nz (29 
November 2002)

2. [FIX] Translation to iso-8859-1 encoding in Scamper (16 November 
2002) * Boris Gaertner (16 November 2002)

3. [FIX] UUID-Fix-CdG (19 November 2002) * cg@cdegroot.com (19 November 

4. [FIX] DNSerror-ls (3 November 2002) * Lex Spoon (3 November 2002)

5. [FIX][3.2][3.4a] ArchiveFixes2-nk (12 November 2002) * Ned Konz (12 
November 2002)

6. [FIX] RelativeZipExtractFix-nk (17 December 2002) * Ned Konz (17 
December 2002)

7. [FIX] FileListRefactor1-nk (8 December 2002) * Ned Konz (8 December 

8. [FIX] WeakMessageSend2-nk-rw (8 December 2002) * Ned Konz (8 December 

9. Revert update 5137.

After they're added to the internal update stream, maybe we should push 
them out to the external update stream relatively soon (say, a day or so 
later?) so that the community can find any last-minute serious 
problems.  From here on, we should only consider critical bug fixes for 
the 3.4 release.  ("critical" would rule out any bugs which have been 
around longer than a month or two, I would say)

Then, we could still shoot for moving to gamma status on the 22nd or so 
(as Daniel suggested), so that we can go final by the beginning of the 

- Doug