[Squeakfoundation]Visibility in the open source community

Matthew Denis Richard Sloly squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 04:37:12 -0800


> OTOH, given the trouble that Apple seems to have gone through to make
> license OSD compliant, I do think that there would be interest at Apple to
> clean this bit up. I think the APSL has mostly the same provisions as the
> SqueakL (including the bit about having to share modifications), and
> Squeak relicensed under the APSL would in one stroke move all the
> discussions to other lists :-)

I agree that it would be better to addopt a more conventinal liscece, which
is both familiar and trusted by the OS community. However, I would suggest
consulting with Squeak Central in regard to the possible political pros and
cons re Apple . . . I mean . . . what is thier reccord on support and or
hostility to OS?

- Matthew