[Squeakfoundation]Order of business ...

squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:58:21 +0100

Hi all!

cg@cdegroot.com (Cees de Groot) wrote:
> Ned Konz <ned@bike-nomad.com> said:
> >7. Guide of community organization. We need someone to coordinate the=20
> >various efforts in the Squeak community so that we can involve as=20
> >many people as possible. We've mentioned a number of ways this can=20
> >happen, but it needs some kind of visible structure so people can=20
> >volunteer to do things.
> >
> >8. Guide of external relations. We need someone to announce releases=20
> >to the outside world, prepare press releases, make sure that Squeak=20
> >is listed and current on the various software catalogs (not=20
> >necessarily do this themselves, but make sure it gets done), etc.
> >
> Dunnow whether you want more Guides or not, but I'm prepared to sign up
> for this (certainly the first, but I'll be happy to take both).

Yes, I was also thinking along these lines. Now when/if we are taking
this role-based approach, which I think would be very good (opinions?),
we can probably handle one or two more Guides. Cees is running some
infrastructure, has good connections with other communities and has IMHO
proven earlier quite well that he is committed to the "task".

Btw - sorry for my wording "cruft" about SqF swiki - wasn't implying
that the stuff there was bad in any way - when going in I will of course
not "trash" anything, just move around a bit perhaps.

Or... if the others are ok with you joining us (which I assume) and you
pick 7&8 above then perhaps you could do te reorg of the Swiki, put the
mission statement up there and start nailing down the "role" table.

Typically we could also at the same page record other responsibilities
held by other people than the Guides.

How does this sound?

regards, Göran