[Squeakfoundation]Order of business ...

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 00:58:08 -0500

On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 02:55 PM, Luciano Notarfrancesco wrote:

> Doug Way wrote:
>> Well, there were two bundles of fixes harvested by myself and Luciano 
>> about six months ago, which fell off the table somehow before making 
>> it into the 3.3alpha update stream. [...]
>> I guess I need to think about whether to generate tables for the list 
>> submissions over the last 6 months, or whether to just issue a call to 
>> the list to re-submit items which people think are important.
> Hi all,
> I'm excited about all the news, and I'm happy to see Squeak taking some 
> impulse again. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to do much harvesting 
> lately but, if it's allright with everybody, I intend to continue my 
> role as a harvester. Let me know when the new tables are up, so I can 
> start reviewing the submissions.

Hi Luciano.

It would be great if you want to continue on as a harvester.  We will 
still need a group of harvesters oustide of the current Guides.  The 
Guides may do a little bit a harvesting too, but they have enough other 
stuff to worry about without trying to do all the harvesting.

Eventually, as the image is split up into packages, the harvesting 
process will become more package-specific, but until that time (and 
possibly even after), we'll probably need a coordinated group of 

For now, feel free to follow the discussions on the SqF list... we'll 
continue to discuss how the harvesting process can be improved.

- Doug