[Squeakfoundation]Harvesting infrastructure

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:49:40 -0500

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 03:43 AM, goran.hultgren@bluefish.se 

> Just a few notes. I IRCed with Luciano yesterday and the day before and
> I sketched out how the SM codebase can be used to produce a harvesting
> tool independent of SM but using the same architecture (with uploads
> added of course). He got very excited, sat down and looked through the
> SM code, liked it and is itching badly to help out on this!
> So Doug, perhaps we could do something like this:
> - Perhaps you Doug could list what you think the tool would/should
> do/need? On the Swiki typically. I can help also.

Okay, I've put up a preliminary Swiki page with my thoughts on what the 
tool(s) should be able to do.


Goran & Luciano & others, add your comments there as you see fit.

- Doug