[Squeakfoundation]RE: Trouble with 5150UUID-fix

Scott Wallace squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 01 Jan 2003 22:57:30 -0800

Cees, Doug, Tim, and all,

Gentlemen, how do you wish to proceed on this?


   -- Scott

At 9:50 AM -0800 12/24/02, Tim Rowledge wrote:
>In message <p05100303ba2925931ccd@[]>
>           Scott Wallace <scott.wallace@squeakland.org> wrote:
>>  I presume that the appropriate fix at this point is to publish the
>>  TimeStamp class, which is currently in the SqueakMap code, to the
>>  3.4b update stream.  Any objections?
>Weel we could use the alternative approach and remove the dependency on
>said class; what effect would that have on the usefulness of the uuid