[Squeakfoundation]LogEngine for Object

Giovanni JJ Giorgi jj at objectsroot.com
Thu Jul 31 09:54:29 CEST 2003

Stephane Ducasse wrote:
[about logging stub package]

> I agree with michael, I just wanted to write the same. This way people 
> get used to
> funnel logs and then after this is easy to have a package plugging the 
> right kind of logger.
> [...]

Daniel wrote:

> A stub method would allow developers to put the logging calls into 
> place and people can load the logging facility of their choosing if 
> they actually want to log something. 

    If you like I can design the stub methods for the Object class, and 
then integrate my LogEngine.
How do you want to design it?
Do you like to get a "log" object responding to a protocol like 
info/debug/error ?
The default behavior without a  logging package would be to ignore the 

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