[Squeakfoundation]Shepherding large enhancements

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin at texoma.net
Thu Jun 26 10:40:09 CEST 2003

Just wanted to make a few comments in the midst of the all the heat and 
smoke, but no _anger_. :)

Like many I am for the Squeak which can be anything you want it to be.
Server Squeak, Multimedia Squeak, OS Environment Squeak.

I really like the TTF and New Look stuff. I would really like the visual 
aspects of Squeak to be polished and shine, shine, shine. :)

I understand those who want to honor the _Date_ committment.
I understand those who want to honor a _Feature_ committment.
I agree. :)

I would like to encourage those who may be discouraged because of a 
perception of slow progress. The perception of their goodies possibly 
(but hopefully will now) not getting in due only becoming available just 
prior to the _Date_.

Understand that the process is not mature.
The tools are not mature.

Much of the time during this _alpha_ period have been without Marcus as 
Harvestor and without BFAV.

 From my perception the BFAV is enabling more people to step up to the 
plate and contribute. As the tools and _process_ improve more people 
will likely join in to help as the time committment might not be as high.

We have much to be encouraged about. Please, please be encouraged and 
not discouraged. The good things will make it into Squeak (via SM or 
image). And please feel free to define what you call _good things_.

I don't believe that the Guides/Community choosing to either continue 
forward with 3.6 and _Date_ or delay the _Date_ to help the _Features_ 
with hurt Squeak or the community.

We need to allow the Guides and the Community and the Process to mature 
the Process for all of us to fully grasp it.

So whether the _Date_ is strictly adhered to or if a small 1-2 week 
delay is introduced, we need to understand it doesn't make any of this a 
normative part of the _Process_. It won't break anything. These are 
growing pains. Be of good cheer. That is a good thing. It means progress.

So please cheer up.
We have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to.

Jimmie Houchin
Squeak Cheerleader
(ahhhh! now I've shouted. :)

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries up 
the bones.

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