[Squeakfoundation][ANN] Squeak 3.6 released! and IRC release party

Doug Way dway at riskmetrics.com
Mon Oct 6 14:59:18 CEST 2003

3.6 is now available on the squeak.org downloads page, and is thus 
officially released!

Göran suggested we have a sort of release party for 3.6 on the squeak 
IRC channel, which sounded like a fine idea.  So, it will be tomorrow 
(Tuesday) from noon to midnight GMT.  (8am to 8pm EDT.)

Let's get a bunch of people on the squeak IRC channel chatting about 
Squeak!  Of course, anyone can join the squeak channel at any time, but 
it might be fun to have a larger crowd for half a day.

If you haven't tried IRC before, see 
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1915 .  If you run into a problem, 
reply to this thread and someone should be able to help.

- Doug

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