[UI] Re: Transcript>>show: slowness.

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon Sep 10 07:59:32 UTC 2007

On Sep 9, 2007, at 23:03 , Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Please, provide some arguments, to show the real need in updating
> screen more often than world cycle does (each 20 msec).

Me? Why would I argue? If the world were guaranteed to update every  
20 msec then sure, that's fine. Alas there is no such guarantee.

But again, this is besides your original point. You asked a question,  
I gave an answer. I'm not even defending the current model, just  
explaining why (as far as I know) it is the way it is.

>>>>> On 09/09/2007, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sep 9, 2007, at 15:11 , Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>>>> I want to ask, if someone knows, why transcript (or maybe
>>>>>>> underlaying
>>>>>>> morphs) designed in such manner, that it forcibly updates
>>>>>>> itself on
>>>>>>> screen at each #show: message sent.
>>>>>> So that you can see log entries even if you are in a longer
>>>>>> computation that blocks the UI.

- Bert -

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