[UI] ToolBuilder

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 20:20:36 UTC 2007

On 10/09/2007, Jason Johnson <jason.johnson.081 at gmail.com> wrote:
> That morph seems to be doing way too much.  It's at least (1) a view,
> (2) an aspect and (3) a dialog (i.e. save changes or drop them).
Concerning PluggableTextMorph class i agree. It contains too much
functionality in single entity.

PluggableTextMorph methodDictionary size 117
^^ indicates that there is something utterly wrong with design,
because of too many added/overridden methods. Its very hard to study
as a whole because of its size.

Personally, i'm always suspicious and dislike classes which have more
than 20-30 methods (per subclass/protocol) i start thinking that its
easier to make own class, than spend time studying so huge interfaces
just to find out that it needs an additional coding to fit your
purposes. To be precise, i barely see any task/model which requires
more than 20-30 methods to denote its purpose. If my model does not
fits in small set i'm always start thinking about dividing it to
number of smaller entities and deal with them, instead of a one huge
and complex thing.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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