[UI] Host windows

Bill Schwab BSchwab at anest.ufl.edu
Sat Mar 1 16:16:13 UTC 2008


Having just stumbled on Squeak's SSL stack, I have another piece of my
MS escape plan, at least to the point of being able to do some serious
porting and stress testing.  At the mission-critical level, there is one
fairly intense fat client (that is where your work is most relevant to
my plans), and various server apps.  The latter have run as desktop apps
under Dolphin, but that is becoming a problem as we move (over my
unilaterally[*] bruised body) to virtual machines in racks.  My plan is
to build SSL into Kom and end up with "out of the box" secure
Seaside-based configuration.  Settings can be persisted by simply saving
the image.

Now the point (about time, I realize).  The server apps will probably
spend most of their lives in a headless configuration, but I will no
doubt at times run them graphically to debug something.  I have said
this before, but I am becoming ever more convinced: using multiple host
windows would be great, but we should also have the option of using
system windows inside of one main Squeak window.  I *think* the latter
will be most useful for the debugging scenario above, but we should try
not to lose the ability as we add the attractive idea of having browsers
and debuggers floating around on an OS desktop.

Thanks for your contributions to Squeak!!


[*] It is not all bad.  I fear the VMs are in use out of mainstreamism,
and they will almost certainly go from quick to overloaded with time. 
Having them locked up with dedicated staff to make backups, etc. is a
good thing, both because it needs to be formalized, and because *I*
don't have to do it ;)

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Email: bschwab at anest.ufl.edu
Tel: (352) 846-1285
FAX: (352) 392-7029

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