[Vm-beginners] (Resend) Where to get current code destined for "official" Unix Squeak VM?

David Corking lists at dcorking.com
Thu Jan 19 23:23:28 UTC 2012

Hi, this may be an FAQ or I may just have overlooked something
obvious. The reason I got confused is that some vm-dev posters seem to
use sources from the Cog project's gitorious repository to build Stack
VMs on a Jenkins server, and yet http://squeakvm.org/unix/ links to a
subversion repository :

1. Which is the current tarball for building official VMs for unix?
(Is it http://www.squeakvm.org/unix/release/Squeak-

2. Which is the source code repository for the current Unix Squeak VM
code (in case I need to suggest a patch) ?
(Is it  http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/trunk or
https://git.gitorious.org/cogvm/blessed.git ?)

3. Which Squeak image contains the current SLANG source code to emit
VM C sources? (I guess Squeak Trunk, that is
http://ftp.squeak.org/4.4/Squeak4.4-11860.zip with updates from the
trunk repository in Monticello. Again, in case I need to submit a

(p.s. I need sources in order to figure out if I can get all the x86_64
plugins working. There are no official builds I know of for x86_64,
and the Fedora koji build system suggests to me, if I read the koji
output correctly, that there is some unintended bitrot in Fedora's 64
bit support for squeak.)

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