[Vm-beginners] About Primitives

Santiago Bragagnolo santiagobragagnolo at gmail.com
Fri May 25 18:46:40 UTC 2012

Hi All

Im analyzing primtives to use them for the concrete type inference project.

Im currently working with primitiveArrayBecomeOneWayCopyHash

      "Similar to primitiveArrayBecomeOneWay but accepts a third argument
whether to copy
      the receiver's identity hash over the argument's identity hash."

      | copyHashFlag arg rcvr |
      copyHashFlag := self booleanValueOf: (self stackTop).
      arg := self stackValue: 1.
      rcvr := self stackValue: 2.
      self success: (self become: rcvr with: arg twoWay: false copyHash:
      successFlag ifTrue: [ self pop: 2 ].

Well, i'm seeing that pop:2, in a method which don't receive any argument.
If pop was 1, i could think in self, but is 2, so the questions are:

1) what is pop:2 in this context
2) why? there's any generalization or rules for understand the stack manage?


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