State of support code vs. VMMaker version

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Sun Dec 11 03:47:37 UTC 2005

Hi Guys,

I was just trying to catch up with various of the later VMMaker and 
support code versions only to find that there seem to be some serious 
mismatches between what's in VMMaker and the support code. I'm not sure 
if I'm missing something here (quite possible) but I'm curious if anyone 
has been using the latest versions at all. Here are some of the issues I 

* Use of "squeakInt64": The (now obsolete) type "squeakInt64" is still 
being used by some primitives in Interpreter (mostly the 64bit 
accessors). Shouldn't these be changed to sqLong?

* fptr/dispatchOn:in: etc: Apparently, these definitions have been 
removed from sq.h and are nowhere in the platform tree. What happened 
here? Did the fptr definition go away (in which case where do I get an 
appropriate VMMaker version?) or should it live in another file (which one?)

* sqVirtualMachine undefined references: When linking, the linker 
complains about undefined references to "getThisSessionID", 
"obsoleteDontUseThisFetchWordofObject", and "fetchLong32ofObject". Why 
are these methods *neither* defined in ObjectMemory/Interpreter *nor* in 
InterpreterProxy? (I checked this both with VMMaker 3.8b3 and 3.8b4) How 
is this supposed to work at all?

* Redefinitions of byteAt/longAt/longAtput: It seems like these are now 
all defined in sqMemAccess.h and should be removed from the boiler-plate 
definitions of the plugins.

* Redefinition of "self flag:" in LargeIntPlugin: It seems that this is 
now defined both in an include file as well as specifically in 
LargeIntegers plugin. One needs to go away.

In any case, it does appear as if there's a significant mismatch between 
the support code and the available VMMaker version (3.8b3/3.8b4). I'd 
greatly appreciate if somebody could tell me what I'm missing here.

   - Andreas

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