Unix 3.7 gamma VM

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Fri Mar 18 19:13:24 UTC 2005

In message <200503181040.35034.ned at bike-nomad.com>
          Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com> wrote:

> What VMMaker version does that correspond to?
> I see significant differences (for instance, in interp.c and in the 
> LargeIntegersPlugin) between the sources generated from VMMaker-tpr.5.mcz (30 
> Mar 2004) on SqueakSource (repository at http://kilana.unibe.ch:8888/VMMaker) 
> and the generated sources in your src directory.
Whoah, that code is massively out of date; I was never able to get a
decent working setup that would save there, then they had problems and
I had network problems and then I guess I simply forgot about it. The SM
version is the latest for public consumption.  Hmm, I'm up to version
13 in my local repository which is (I think) equivalent to
VMMaker3-8b2.1.cs from SM.

Right now I'm spending a little time trying to integrate the 64bit
stuff and then I'll look at your changes to properly type the main oop
values which should be a good step to fixing the >2Gb problems. It
might save me some time if you could cast those changes in terms of the
sqLong/sqInt etc #defines from the 64bit changes.

Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
Performance is easier to add than clarity.

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