Cross platform plugin dev

Brad Fuller brad at
Sat Nov 19 00:55:18 UTC 2005

tim Rowledge wrote:

> On 18-Nov-05, at 4:09 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:
>> But anyway.... Since I don't really have a unix specific plugin, I  
>> want to put it in Cross for now and I'll try that.
> Just keep all the completely platform independent c & h files (plus I  
> suppose other resources, though I don't recall needing anything  
> previously) in Cross/plugins/myPluginName.
>> Have you used VMMakerTool? If so, how do you use it to generate C  
>> files in the Cross directory?
> It doesn't normally generate the code into the same directories as  
> the hand-written files so that it is easy to flush out the stuff that  
> can be generated.

To me, 'Cross' would be THE most important directory that VMMakerTool 
would generate files to. Simply because these files would be easily 
prone to Slang and would be less handwritten than platform-dependent 
files. My mind can't understand why the author purposely left 'Cross' 
off the list.  I'm sure there is a very good reason that is going right 
over my head.


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