Cross platform plugin dev

Brad Fuller brad at
Sat Nov 19 02:28:58 UTC 2005

tim Rowledge wrote:

> On 18-Nov-05, at 5:39 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:
>> Another thing about VMMakerTool:
>> How can you work on one plugin (as an example) and create c code  for 
>> that one plugin without deleting all of the other plugin dirs?
> Easy - use the context menu in the external plugins list to generate  
> just that one plugin. Unless I've broken it recently (always some  
> possibility) that is the way to generate your single plugin so that  
> you can cycle round generate-compile-test(since it autoloads)-unload 
> (with SmalltalkImage current unloadModule:'myPlugin')-rinse-and-repeat

oh.. THATS what that is!
Ok, that works!

>> I'm using the VMM38b branch and there are many plugin directories.  
>> But, if you drag over just one plugin and generate in VMMakerTool,  
>> it blows away all the others.
> Yah. It's a tricky problem of interlocks that reflects trying to make  
> a bunch of opinionated people happy some years ago. I think the help  
> text could do with a little more explanation.

Yeah.. maybe a clearer note. Now I know what "list" means in this sentence:
    "You can also generate internal or external plugins singly, using
the menus in the lists"

I'll tell you that the "Clean Out" button is a dangerous button. Hit
that accidentally and BAM your code is gone.

thanks for your help, Tim.

Now.. .working on getting config/configure to really configure all of
this. I can't get it to find things. When I get one thing pointed right,
it negates another. I'm going around in circle ;-)

Brad Fuller
(408) 799-6124
** Sonaural Audio Studios **
(408) 799-6123  West San Jose
(408) 799-6124  Cambrian
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