[Vm-dev] VMMaker: No senders of #ccg:emitLoadFor:from:on:

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 01:43:48 UTC 2009

2009/7/29 David T. Lewis <lewis at mail.msen.com>:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 06:39:50PM +0300, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> I'm using a smart syntax code gen for my plugin,
>> and custom classes for auto-convert the oop<->c types
>> and found that method:
>> #ccg:emitLoadFor:from:on:
>> is never get called by code generator (browser reports there is no
>> senders of it).
>> It is, however, implemented in multiple classes.
>> As i understand, smart syntax plugin using:
>> #ccg:prolog:expr:index:
>> and
>> #ccg:generateCoerceToValueFrom:on:
>> for asking the classes how to load a value from stack or coerce from
>> oop to C type.
> Interesting. This looks to me like some partially completed work in
> the SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator. The various implementations of
> #ccg:emitLoadFor:from:on: call methods in the "linking" category
> of SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator, and a couple of these methods
> are entirely unreferenced also.
> It looks as if the intent was to use #ccg:emitLoadFor:from:on: to
> load things from the stack into local variables, but as you say it
> is unreferenced, and all of these methods could presumably be
> deleted without harm.
> The original implementation was by Andrew C Greenberg, and some
> documentation is at wiki.squeak.org/squeak/850.
> Any suggestions as to whether this is work that should be completed
> at some point (and therefore preserved for now), or if it should
> just be deleted?
I found the following things useful:

suppose i wrote a primitive:

myPrimitive: argument oop

1.  self primitive: 'kaka'
       parameters: #(MyCustomType1 Oop).
2.  x := oop asValue: MyCustomType2.
3.   ^ (self cCode: 'foo(argument)') asOop: MyCustomType3

in (1), it generates the stack-load code by sending
#ccg:prolog:expr:index: to MyCustomType class
which implementation, in most cases, simply reusing the (2)

in (2), its sending #ccg:generateCoerceToValueFrom:on:
and your are to implement a coercion from Oop -> your custom value type

in (3), it sends #ccg:generateCoerceToOopFrom:on:  to get the code
which converts the C-value to Oop.

it is also sends #ccgDeclareCForVar: to retreive the argument
declaration (this will be declared as a local variable in C primitive

So, all cases seem covered perfectly:
 - argument declaration
 - Oop <-> C value coercion

what else do we need?
If i'm not mistaken - nothing more. I am done writing binding of a
whole library API today, and not using anything except those :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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