[Vm-dev] A BlockClosure optimization

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Sat May 15 05:14:31 UTC 2010


i just thought, that we could optimize a closure-copy mechanism
to reuse a closure (BlockClosure instance), which were created before
for same context.

A mechanism of optimization can illustrated by following code.

Suppose , you having a method, which using a loop:


 1 to: 100 do: [:i |
   dict at: i ifAbsent: [ foo bar ] ]

The idea is to copy a closure from method's literal frame just once,
and store it into temp,
and then reuse it like following:

| closure |
 1 to: 100 do: [:i |
   dict at: i ifAbsent: (closure ifNil: [ closure := [ foo bar ] ] ) ]


A simple benchmark shows that we could gain from it:

[ 1000000 timesRepeat: [ [ 1+1] value ] ] timeToRun

| closure |  closure := nil.
1000000 timesRepeat: [
	(closure ifNil: [ closure := [ 1+1] ]) value ]
] timeToRun

As you can see, even implemented in smalltalk (without any changes to
VM) it shows
a significant performance boost.

Of course, if we put something, which loads processor by real work,
instead of just [1+1],
the difference will be less significant.

But apart from this, lying the fact, that copying closure object each
time means memory allocation,
and hence leads to more frequent GC.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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