[Vm-dev] latest vmmaker wont run with pharo 1.1.1 (dev)

Esteban Lorenzano estebanlm at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 18:01:21 UTC 2010

I'm trying to generate a vm... loading ConfigurationOfVMMaker version 
1.4, then updating WMMaker package to latest version (200), but the 
generator, it is sending a DNU:

while calling:

'From Pharo-1.1.1-- of 12 September 2010 [Latest update: #11414] on 6 
November 2010 at 3:00:14 pm'!

!String methodsFor: '*VMMaker-Translation to C' stamp: 'dtl 10/25/2009 14:31'!
replaceLastOccurrence: oldSubstring with: newSubstring 
	"Answer a copy with the last occurrence of oldSubstring replaced by 

	" 'int i' replaceLastOccurrence: 'i' with: 'i2' "
	" 'void *v' replaceLastOccurrence: 'v' with: 'v2' "
	" 'int intxintxintx' replaceLastOccurrence: 'i' with: 'I2' "
	" 'int intxintxintx' replaceLastOccurrence: 'FOO' with: 'BAR' "
	" 'int intxintxintx' replaceLastOccurrence: '' with: 'BAZ' "

	^ self class streamContents: [:ws | | pos rs | 
			rs := ReadStream on: self.
			pos := self findLastOccuranceOfString: oldSubstring startingAt: 1.
			pos > 0 ifTrue: [ws nextPutAll: (rs next: pos - 1); nextPutAll: 
						rs next: oldSubstring size].
			ws nextPutAll: rs upToEnd]! !

the DNU is with:
	findLastOccuranceOfString: oldSubstring startingAt: 1


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